Cooking coconut oil gummies


Well-Known Member
Hey all, tried making some gummies with coconut oil and they came out all like mixed not sure if or what I did wrong help pls


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hmm only way to be certain is if I were to eat them... :rofl: I see lots of people talk about how they do theirs but I never bookmarked it I am sure someone will come give pointers
So these do look weird right?
Yes your oil separated from your gelatin, possibly from not enough stirring, or not enough emulsifier. They will probably still work but the dose might have a lot of variation. Have you tasted one?
Yes your oil separated from your gelatin, possibly from not enough stirring, or not enough emulsifier. They will probably still work but the dose might have a lot of variation. Have you tasted one?
Yes I’ve had 2 as well as my dad brother and fiancé. Two can hardly function I’m nice and nelly and my dads got nothing. I put extra oil in and was thinking maybe the excess oil didn’t absorb? I had it on and stirring for about 15-20mins
I had that happen recently. Turns out my lecithin was bad. I got some higher quality stuff and my next batch went better. If you get moisture in the lecithin it clumps and doesn't dissolve. I still got high from the separated gummies, they just weren't as pleasant to eat. On the successful batch I only stirred for 5 minutes.
I had that happen recently. Turns out my lecithin was bad. I got some higher quality stuff and my next batch went better. If you get moisture in the lecithin it clumps and doesn't dissolve. I still got high from the separated gummies, they just weren't as pleasant to eat. On the successful batch I only stirred for 5 minutes.
I didn’t actually use lecithin I thought it was a optional ingredient. I couldn’t find it at Walmart haha
I didn’t actually use lecithin I thought it was a optional ingredient. I couldn’t find it at Walmart haha
It's a must- for emulsifying, and it also makes the THC more available for your uptake (you will get more high lol)
It should be available in the baking supply area of a supermarket. If not, a bulk foods store should have it. You can also get it online, like everything else these days. Even the Magical Butter machine people sell it. It's been listed as optional for most recipes I've seen, but It really does help.
Try for sunflower lecithin, most of it is made from soy, and a high proportion of that is from the 'santo's beans. It doesn't really make a difference to how it works, I just prefer not to line their pockets.
I also HIGHly recommend the sunflower lecithin. Makes a world of difference. I have not made gummies or candies yet...not sure why honestly. I mainly make oils, capsules, and baked goods. I really do need to make some gummies though!

Can I melt my gummies back down and add the lecithin?
Honestly, I don't see why not. Give a shot with only a few of them and see how it turns out. Good luck and keep us posted.
Yeah, you can re-melt it. I don't know how well the lecithin will mix in but it's worth a shot. I re-melted a batch of them and mixed them back up and let them cool in a dish. I didn't know that it had happened because of the lecithin then, I had forgotten it and didn't figure it out until later when I couldn't remember putting the lecithin away.
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