Congressman Ron Paul and Steven Baldwin To Debate Marijuana Legalization On Larry Kin


Plant of the Month: Third Place Winner
March 13, 2009 7:30PM

" Dear NORML Supporters, I apologize for the last minute notice, but I received a very late Fridayafternoon call from one of Larry King's producers in Los Angeles seekingsome cannabis-related factoids and related information for an apparentdebate tonight on CNN's Larry King between libertarian Congressman andformer presidential candidate Ron Paul, M.D. and, well, actor StevenBaldwin. Ouch! This ought to be good. Fire up the Tivos and other goodies for this one! Cannabem liberemus, Allen St. PierreExecutive DirectorNORMLWashington, D.C."
Re: Congressman Ron Paul and Steven Baldwin To Debate Marijuana Legalization On Larry

i watched it. baldwin sounded like an uninformed idiot. his main objection to mj use was the 'gateway effect'. he said "i believe it no matter who says anything different". when asked about medmj he was uncomfortably silent for a few seconds before responding that "ok, maybe for very sick people" (paraphrased).

boycott little stevie baldwin anyway you can think of

Ron Paul mostly talked about personal freedom and didn't sound like an idiot.
Re: Congressman Ron Paul and Steven Baldwin To Debate Marijuana Legalization On Larry

i watched it. baldwin sounded like an uninformed idiot. his main objection to mj use was the 'gateway effect'. he said "i believe it no matter who says anything different". when asked about medmj he was uncomfortably silent for a few seconds before responding that "ok, maybe for very sick people" (paraphrased).

boycott little stevie baldwin anyway you can think of

Ron Paul mostly talked about personal freedom and didn't sound like an idiot.

I beleive that! Steve Baldwin is a pretensious DICK, he is very uninformed, so maybe it's not a great show to watch then, I would get seriously pissed at Steve, isnt he a recovering drug addict anyway?
Re: Congressman Ron Paul and Steven Baldwin To Debate Marijuana Legalization On Larry

Ron Paul always sounds very intelligent and informed whenever I hear him speak. He never lets anyone push him around because of his views and backs up his claims. I still don't get why people think he's such an idiot and bad politician.
Re: Congressman Ron Paul and Steven Baldwin To Debate Marijuana Legalization On Larry


HE made it a point to include HEMP HEMP HEMP HEMP HOOORAY!DAMN INCLINED!:cheer:
Re: Congressman Ron Paul and Steven Baldwin To Debate Marijuana Legalization On Larry

I love that guy. I was so pissed he didn't even make it on the ballot.
Re: Congressman Ron Paul and Steven Baldwin To Debate Marijuana Legalization On Larry

Ron Paul always sounds very intelligent and informed whenever I hear him speak. He never lets anyone push him around because of his views and backs up his claims. I still don't get why people think he's such an idiot and bad politician.

He is a bad politician. To be a politician you have to lie and backstab and get favors from people to move up. You have to tell people what you want to do by sugarcoating it and using very elaborate and fancy words to distract people from your true meaning. Another very useful tactic used by many very very good politicians such as George W. are Fear, Hatred, and the misuse of pride. Now our founding fathers would have [edit] invited Ron Paul to join them for political events but people today such as Bill O'rielly and that actor there are so narrow minded and so brainwashed, yes brainwashed, they actually believe the garbage they spew from their unAmerican mouths. True americas want people to benefit and to have rights, those people such as that actor are well.... Complete idiots who seriously would've been killed during the building of this great country. Ron paul is a very smart man, very very smart and his ideas, though radical and though some I do not agree with (not marijuana related) he backs up everything and doesn't loose his damn temper like some other nutjob politicians. When you get angry you are proving you are weak such as Bill O'rielly.
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