Congress to impose 5 years in prison for passing a joint


Growing Guru
by Marijuana Policy Project press release (20 Apr, 2005) Take action! Urge your U.S. representative and two U.S. senators to oppose harsh new mandatory minimum sentences.

Your immediate help is needed to defeat harsh new mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug offenses.

The U.S. House Judiciary Committee will soon consider a bill that would create draconian mandatory minimum sentences for a variety of nonviolent drug offenses, including marijuana. If this bill becomes law, anyone convicted in federal court of the crime of "enticing" someone "who has previously been enrolled in a drug treatment program" to "possess" marijuana will receive a five-year mandatory minimum sentence.

That's right: Passing a joint to someone who used to be in drug treatment will land you in federal prison for a minimum of five years.

Please visit to e-mail your U.S. representative and two U.S. senators today. It only takes a minute to send one of our pre-written e-mails urging them to stop this bill in its tracks.

In addition to the shocking joint-passing provision described above, the bill would also create a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence for a first-time conviction of distributing a small amount of marijuana to a person under 18 years of age ... and a 10-year sentence for a second offense of distributing marijuana to a person under 21. By comparison, the average time served by convicted rapists in this country is about seven years.

MPP does not condone the distribution of marijuana to minors, nor do we advocate the use of marijuana by people recovering from substance abuse problems. But we do believe that judges should have the discretion to determine whether or not offenders in these circumstances deserve to be imprisoned for sentences as long as five or 10 years. If these mandatory minimum sentences are enacted, judges' hands will be tied.

This bill has traction because it also contains a section that serves as the House Republican leadership's response to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that made the Federal Sentencing Guidelines advisory, rather than mandatory.* The Republican leadership is highly motivated to pass this bill — and with it, the harsh new penalties related to marijuana.

The "Defending America's Most Vulnerable: Safe Access to Drug Treatment and Child Protection Act of 2005" (H.R. 1528) was introduced by House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) on April 6, and it has already passed out of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

The bill will now be debated and voted on by the full House Judiciary Committee and — if the committee passes the bill — the full House will then vote on it.
This bill has traction because it also contains a section that serves as the House Republican leadership's response to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that made the "Federal Sentencing Guidelines advisory, rather than mandatory."

Do federal pot prisoners understand or even know that this has happened? With a good attorney.. you're outta there! Why haven't we heard anything of this sort? Fuckin' mystery to me.

Why haven't we pot smokers been screaming to the heavens re: this window of opportunity. It is gonna pass federal prisoners by.. this story is proof.

But..nooooo.. people just whine and whine and whine..

I say to the whiners.. grow up.. smell the coffee.. do the smart thing! Let the world know about this window of legal opportunity, that in one of my earlier statements I pointed out, was gonna be a small window of opportunity.

The anti-pot people are hoping that pot smokers will continue to be as lethargic as they have been, to give them time to put another unjust law in place.. yep we did exactly as they had hoped.. I hear them now, "Don't worry, they'll just keep getting stupid.."

"The Republican leadership is highly motivated to pass this bill — and with it, the harsh new penalties related to marijuana." Need I say more?
E-mail now! EVERYONE![/ :tommy:


Dare to be proactive!

Please visit and email now! :allgood:

Please visit to e-mail your U.S. representative and two U.S. senators today.





Please! :adore:

Please! :adore:

Please! :adore:

Please! :adore:

..Pinch :peace:
unfortunately these emails were designed specifically for united states correspondants only, soooooo i faked it with an american postcode .... hehehe g/l on this plight america, fight like there is no tomorrow!
~scb~ said:
unfortunately these emails were designed specifically for united states correspondants only, soooooo i faked it with an american postcode .... hehehe g/l on this plight america, fight like there is no tomorrow!

Thanks Mr/Ms SCB! "Excellent Smithers!" :adore:
My Senators and congresswoman already know how I feel. This is about targeting a group of people, not a drug. After the first time I wrote my good Senator F I had an occasion to go to Homeland Insecurity, the next day she ripped off to Iraq for four days (remember, the Senators were SHOT at?) while I was first observed by millitary helicoptor, then surrounded and cordoned off in a green, no fly zone, til she got back. Insane. Below is my letter to her and one to a friend (edited) about the experience.

Subject: letter to feinstein 11/18/04

I am very concerned about the war against marijuana users and all 'drug war' related issues. I believe the war against 'drugs' is a thinly vieled war against Native American religions and all the underdog Peoples of the world. It is the single biggest problem of our modern age, promoting nothing but corruption, crime and murder world wide.

I was bitterly disappointed to see you in favor of the 'Heads can't drive' legislation and will be watching you carefully on this latest Mj issue. My people need freedom from this sort of tyranny. The repressive, anti-pot federal drug war is corrupt.

If you can't promote medical and religious marijuana freedom, I promise, I will activly campaign against your next reelection. There is NO excuse for the 'drug war', a war against people, not drugs, promoted only by narrow minded, christian religious predjudice.


Lauren Unruh,
a Sufi and dedicated and honorable new leader,
speaking out for the interests of the down trodden people of the Religious Left.

Dear Ricky, 11/24/04

No, he didn't reply. I didnt expect one, almost nobody writes me back. But I saw glimmers on TV which is how I want this thing anyway, on TV, not on me. I need to sew, work on my shield. I need some serious ceremony time. I need quite. I have lots to think about.

The circle went out big and fast this time. Indians all over town were suddenly spotting me, people were making calls, cars following me. They are not very sutile. I was recognised everywhere. Scared the shit out of me. I didn't want to go home, I had to find somebody to talk to. Both the library and the grocery store were no good so I approached a man in the drug store, homelend security, local. Gave him my name and story. I was afraid. He says I dont need to worry about the police as long as I'm not trying to help the guys making money. I asked him who I should be afraid of, somebody really wants the drug war to go on. I am afraid, but I know I have friends, lots more now.

I told him the whole story, when I got to the Witch and saving the world part, he started to doubt me. He'll see, this thing is a volcano. He didn't see who whould be dangerous to me so I mentioned the prison industry and the CIA.

I suspected Kerry tossed the election, after I heard about the leftover money, I was sure of it. I realise now he had to. If he had run on pot, it would have been a landslide, but the Blue man would have just killed him. This way, the Bush has time to burn down in a more orderly, less dangerous way while a movement builds. It wasn't a safe move for Kerry. I do not feel safe now, not at all.

I feel a little better with Homeland Security watching my back. You know Ricky, if Osama is the Devil and GW is the return of christ, that makes me the antichrist. It got really real the other day. Say some prayers for me, something for safty. My people have been so broken, we are so strong but so damaged.


After that it just kept getting crazier. All kinds of wild things. Anyway tomorrow is religious freedom day. Maybe you will pray for the religious freedom of my people? I hope so. Thank you.

Welcome to the United Prisons of AmeriKKKa !

Seriously, this is getting worse and worse, but what could we expect from the neo-fascist ultra-right-conservative shrub agenda? Actually I think this goes way beyond any kind of partisan politics. This whole country is swiftly moving towards fascist totality. These kinds of laws are designed to create even more paranoia, fear and conformity among the populace. I can offer a perspective on this from personal experience of "communist totality", as I partially grew up in the (fmr) Czechoslovakia which was a spoil of WWII for the USSR. We had several "informants" living in our apartment complex, one right across the hall. Everybody knew who they were, if only because this guy was driving a Mercedes sedan (one of those classic late 60's black ones) and parked anywhere he wanted. The common folk drove Skodas, Trabants, Zigulis (a Soviet Fiat) and had to walk about 1 mile to park in the approved garage (which you had to save up for to "purchase") by the railroad tracks. As a side note, years later this same guy was found in his car with a bullet in his head, apparently self-inflicted. Various other "informants" of lesser degree lived there, one directly below us. So in short, we had to carefully watch what we talked about & with whom!!!
Consider the REAL power behind this government - the Mega-Corporations. This country is moving closer & closer to totalitarism - that's what we (CZ) call what everybody here thinks of as "communism" - it was just a state-sponsored monopoly. Don't think it won't happen here! It's just gonna have a few more top mega-corporate players in it under a different name. WTF does "democracy" mean anymore? It doesn't mean anything anymore, just a catch-all for anything and anybody that toes the corporate USA line and rejects any semblance of indepence (ex: Venezuela - "not democratic" according to the USA). The USA is moving away further and further from the (inspiring) founding principles. The more I think about it, the more I see just how pervasive and widespread this propaganda of mega-corporatism and privatisation is. On balance, it is at least as strong as the propaganda I was fed from the east! It has been so sucessfull that most people never question it in this country. Of course those raised here are indoctrinated to vehemently hate and oppose any kind of "socialist" or "communist" ideas, not ever realizing that in fact this "capitalism" run rampant and corrupt is just as bad! There has to be a happy combination in the middle somewhere.
As naive as this sounds, abolishing corporate personhood (but not the corporation per se) should be a first step IMHO to return power to the people at large. Otherwise you will surely see a right-wing dictatorship arise here (if it hasn't already!) if only to protect the ever-more "valuable" corporate interests and the AmeriKKKan $$$. This is why I am so happy that there is such a thing as the EU - not that it's any better (per se), but at least it is in competition to global AmeriKKKan aspirations and an opposing voice.
These drug laws are only there because the already right-wing US government in the late 1960s felt very threatened by populist movements of that era which gave us so much .. they couldn't outlaw people marching, they couldn't outlaw music, but they could and did outlaw the "drugs" which they linked to these movements. Why do you think in 1970 they lumped marijuana into the newly created chedule system into category I - meaning it was the worst of the worst?! They didn't give a fuck when it was just "minorities" who smoked. Only when white-middle-class kids (masses) started to think for themselves. With the scheduling system, the US government never again had to worry about passing "laws" to ban any future substance deemed to be a threat to the established mega-corporate caste system!
I'm thinking the only way to overcome this crazy "drug war" will be with massive SMOKING protests which will ofcourse initially involve large numbers of incarcerated "casualties". We could still play into the corporate high priests game as long as they think there is $$$ to be made there! Oh the evil of money!
Thanks for reading my rant :)
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