Colo's First Grow


New Member
Hello Fellow Growers!! As the title states, I'm a first time grower and of course like the rest of us would like some guidance in this endeavor. I've search the web countless times trying to find the best method for me. Unfortunately, I'm still not sure what that is, so maybe with some help from experienced growers, I too might have a bountiful harvest :thanks:

As for my set up, it's rather poor. So don't laugh too hard. I wanted to start because I was tired of seeing good seeds, from excellent bud go to waste >_<

But then I found out that bag seeds can lead to hermaphrodites. Is that completely terrible though??


Start Date 2/13/12
Strain - Bubba Kush
# of Plants - 2 and a potential third
Grow Type - soil
Grow Stage - Seedling, i believe
Bucket Size - No bucket yet, just a jiffy peat pellet
Lights - 75 Watt Halogen
Nutrients - None yet, questions there though
Medium - The jiffy boxes says it's dry sphagnum peat moss
PPM - unsure
PH - unsure
RH - unsure
Room Temperature -it's in my closet which i now have the door open and a fan of the plants. The giant ghetto thermometer reads ~68
Solution Temperature -unsure
Room Square Footage - about 28" x 40"
Pests - None Known

I would leave the door open when I'm home with it and I try and keep it on a 18hr light schedule. I just recently dropped a window fan in front of it because I kept reading the importance of ventilation and the current will strengthen the stalk. I use room temp, filtered water from my fridge but i leave the cap off when i first fill it. Apparently it help evaporate any chlorine that might be in the water. I'll have pics up in just a second, hope this is enough information and I hope to get some feedback

Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow



I know it's terrrible...but it's a start ya??
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

If you ditch the halogen and use a cfl,,,,you will be able to lower the light within inches,,,the stem will strengthen when it stops reaching for the light.
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

If you ditch the halogen and use a cfl,,,,you will be able to lower the light within inches,,,the stem will strengthen when it stops reaching for the light.

Thanks for the tid bit! I figured that's why they were getting so long, so i tried lowering it but it seems to be curling my leaves.
What wattage would you recommend??
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

Any CFL would do better then a halogen. They get way to hot and will not work to grow with. You still have time to keep these plants from dying but not much, get a CFL and keep it about 2 inches away. The more you can afford the better! A 26w is about the largest standard bulb you'll find. You can find much larger ones online but IMO a waste of $. Look for a 5000k to 6500k spectrum bulb. They have the blue spectrum you need for veg growth.

Knowledge is power and better then any equipment you can buy. Read through a few journals and learn from others mistakes ;)
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

Another thing to consider is filtered water often removes several things the plant needs to survive. If you are going to do that you are going to have to add nutes. 24hr old water that has a chance for some chorine to evap off is best. I personally use strait tap water from a well and don't have too many problems. Nutes are also another thing you are going have to think about in the near future. I'd check out Blue Planet for the best products and prices hands down.
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

Any CFL would do better then a halogen. They get way to hot and will not work to grow with. You still have time to keep these plants from dying but not much, get a CFL and keep it about 2 inches away. The more you can afford the better! A 26w is about the largest standard bulb you'll find. You can find much larger ones online but IMO a waste of $. Look for a 5000k to 6500k spectrum bulb. They have the blue spectrum you need for veg growth.

Knowledge is power and better then any equipment you can buy. Read through a few journals and learn from others mistakes ;)

Thanks for the advice Shadow!!! I just got finish reading up on CFLs and got kinda stuck. But I checked out your first journal and will be using that as a reference for sure!! ((the CFLs in the power strip looks genius!!))
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

Another thing to consider is filtered water often removes several things the plant needs to survive. If you are going to do that you are going to have to add nutes. 24hr old water that has a chance for some chorine to evap off is best. I personally use strait tap water from a well and don't have too many problems. Nutes are also another thing you are going have to think about in the near future. I'd check out Blue Planet for the best products and prices hands down.

That's funny! I was just going to ask you what Nutes you prefer and when you first introduce them to the plants. But I didn't wanna harass you with too many no0B questions lol Thanks again!
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

Thanks for the advice Shadow!!! I just got finish reading up on CFLs and got kinda stuck. But I checked out your first journal and will be using that as a reference for sure!! ((the CFLs in the power strip looks genius!!))

You are welcome. My setup isn't the best but it works for me(kinda). Lots of differant routes you can take. I read journals here almost everyday and thought hey that might work for me. So I took my knowledge I gained here and some comon sence and put together what I could.

I've seen cardboard grow rooms that people have harvested beautiful yeilds from. I've seen thousand dollar setups fail.

I'm new to this as well but I spend a lot of time here. If you have any questions shoot them out and I'm sure you'll get lots of help. Good luck!
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

That's funny! I was just going to ask you what Nutes you prefer and when you first introduce them to the plants. But I didn't wanna harass you with too many no0B questions lol Thanks again!

I'm bad with nutes! My plants are still 1/2 crispy from me frying them with junk. Take your time they shouldn't need them for a month or so in some fresh soil. Adding them to soon will stunt them, that I have learned :)

If i was you I get some lights first! Then I'd grab some organic soil and Superthrive. It's great stuff and can be used with seedlings all the way though flowering. Something to test your Ph with and a timer. Decide your light schedule 18/6-24/0 and enjoy the show.

For around 35 bucks you can get the organic trio from BPN and that will last you several grows. I think you could start with 1/4 or 1/2 dose around 2-3 weeks old.
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

You are welcome. My setup isn't the best but it works for me(kinda). Lots of differant routes you can take. I read journals here almost everyday and thought hey that might work for me. So I took my knowledge I gained here and some comon sence and put together what I could.

I've seen cardboard grow rooms that people have harvested beautiful yeilds from. I've seen thousand dollar setups fail.

I'm new to this as well but I spend a lot of time here. If you have any questions shoot them out and I'm sure you'll get lots of help. Good luck!

I def have found the Journals more informative than all the crawling I've done over the web!! Thanks adding the HTG links in your journal BTW and for your insight. I'll most definitely be looking into joining the "BPN army" ^_^
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

Colo I'm using just CFLs and have read alot about them. first thing to know is although 6500k and 5000k are preferred for veg stage any CFL light can grow a plant even 2700k through out the entire grow cycle will work probably only get popcorn buds though. now if you want to make an improvement in your setup for maybe 25 bucks get another light clamp, 2 y spliterrs for the light clamp and you will have to take the reflectors off, 4 CFLs bulbs of any kind preferably higher kelvins and I'd say you would have a 3x better setup then right now. halogen just isn't that great for the long haul, I was looking at a halogen light box yesterday and read it was 1350 lumens for 90 watts well a CFL with 27(actual watt) has 1400 lumens meaning u could put 3 of those CFLs for 81 watts putting out 4200 lumens and there would be more spectrum and less heat(meaning u can put them closer and reduce stretch). Just some advice and shadow is very right the more you read up the easy and cheaper the whole process will be good luck man
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow


What everyone said here is mostly correct.

Switch to CFLs. The 23W CFLs (advertised as being equivalent to a 100W incandescent bulb) are the easiest to find and the most economical since they are mass produced. If you go to a superstore, you can get a box of four for about $16.

Unless money is an issue, pick up a box of 6500K bulbs and a box of 2700K bulbs. Use the 5000K bulbs for your livingroom!

The 6500K bulbs are weighted towards the blue end of the spectum and are great for vegetation. The 2700K bulbs are weighted towards the red spectrum and are ideal for flowering.

As others have said, keep the CFL bulb about 2" away to minimize stretching. If your plants get too spindly, make a splint for them until the stems get stronger:



Basically, the splint is like a basketball hoop and the seedling goes through it. The loop is held in place by scotch tape. The loop is wide enough so that the stem doesn't get compressed. I designed this during my second grow when all my seedlings had strectched and were falling over.

Although I used a plastic fork, I've found that the stir sticks you get at coffee shops are ideal (I keep a bunch around just for this purpose.)

Splint For Clone


The splint here isn't loose as this clone has a stong stem. (It's 12 weeks old!) The splint is to straighten the lean caused by transplanting the clone. The root ball was so small that the plant had a severe list due to the soil settling. This splint has corrected her posture!

The MOST important things for a successful grow are:

1) Good soil - Don't use any MiracleGro type of soil. The soil should have spaghnum peat moss in it. You don't want a soil that will compact around your plant's roots. The "typical" potting soil sold is for house plants and is terrible for marijuana. I've seen more bad grows due to bad soil than anything else.

2) Good lighting - Get CFLs as discussed above.

3) Proper watering - Use open jugs to store tap water for 24 - 48 hours before using. I have five jugs that I use in rotation. When one is empty, I fill it and it goes to the back of the line. The ones in the front of the line are at least 24 hours old. Don't overwater! Saturate the soil when you water and let the soil dry out almost completely. If you don't let the soil dry out, oxygen can't get to the roots. Without oxygen, the roots will slowly die.

4) Nutrients - Believe it or not, this is the least important. There are lots of cheap nutrients out there and lots of better ones. As long as you don't overfertilize, you can use anything. It's best to have one bottle of nutrient for vegetation (more geared towards nitrogen, which is great for leaf development) and one for flowering (more geared towards phosphorus, which is great for bud development). Seeds have sufficient nutrients to keep a seedling going for 2 - 3 weeks. After the second week, I start using a 1/2 strength solution of nutrients, and follow with full strength if the seedling reacts favorably. (They usually do - I've gotten a kiss on the cheek from thankful seedlings more times than you can imagine!) Use Blackstrap Molasses along with whatever fertilizer you buy. Add 1 tsp/gal to your normal nutrient mix when you fertilize. Blackstrap Molasses has lots of mineral content and will help prevent mineral deficiencies. Get Blackstrap Molasses, not fancy molasses or refined molasses. Buy the unsuphured kind. You can find it in larger supermarkets or health food stores.

As I said, make sure you have good soil. Otherwise, you're looking forward to a world of hurt.

Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

I've seen cardboard grow rooms that people have harvested beautiful yeilds from. I've seen thousand dollar setups fail.

You got that right !

Good luck on your journal ,hope you can show us some great bud porn !

Casa Verde
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

Things are on track, there will always be room for improvement if you so desire. Keep reading those journals and don't hesitate to ask questions within those journals. Most are very willing to help here. Feel free to read through mine and I do recommend you visit the DIY threads if you haven't already. Your own grow style will emerge as you learn what you want out of your efforts.

Stick with them, they will tolerate a fair amount of abuse and still grow. So jump right in and learn as you go if that works for you.

Keep Growing COLO, I'll be watching.
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

So I went out today and picked up some CFLs as recommended, for actually pretty cheap. A four pack of 23 watt, 1,6000 lumens and 5,000k and a 23 watt, 1,600 lumens and 2700k cost around 9 bucks ^_^ I also picked up another clamp and 2 dual sockets as suggested by Rupertthedank. But the clamp I picked up wouldn't support two bulbs. I have each light over each plant. Should I still use four lights or just save them for my next grow??

Tragedy did strike though, as I was setting up the new lights. I idiotically left the plants underneath me and the light fell on top of it's frail body T_____T''' I hooked up some splints as ggrant showed but I kinda had to mess with it..a lot. It's got a sad droop but still upright...sorta. Is there anything I can do from keeping it from dying??? One still looks good and I planted a potential third that has yet to appear. Here's hoping >_<
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

2 will be fine for now but 4 would be better! I think you will find those CFL's are only 1,600 lumens. Have you decided on what medium you are going to grow in? Good luck with the injured baby!

Then four I will use! Do you think the reflector on the lamp is important?? I don't any other type right now, only because I haven't went shopping for it. I haven't decided on the medium yet, I wanted to read more journals and check out the nursery near my house. Though I hear it's pricey, it wouldn't hurt to see what my options are. Any suggestions??

Thanks for the support ^_^
Re: Colo's First Attempt @ a Grow

If I was to do this again I'b prob try and do a hempy mix. From what I seen here on the forum the plants grow much faster then soil.. You can water everyday without to much concern of over watering.

The standard set around here is set by 420fied: 75%/25% mix of Perlite/Vermiculite. It's proven to be successful in every grow I've seen.

Being a new grower I'd suggest you look up 2 differant types of nutrients. BPN(Blue Planet nutes) or OC+(osmocote plus).

Using a soiless medium like this will require some more work and on your part. You'll need to add the ferts and trace elements soil has. OC+ you just add to your hempy mix and then water. Its a slow release fert that I've seen amazing results with. BPN products you'll have to mix and feed daily.

Good luck with what ever you choose
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