Coconut oil stealthy process Q's, both for dry herb process & AVB


New Member

Family is visiting in a couple weeks for 1 weekend with a lot of AVB, and as she can't process it where she's living we'll do it at my place. At the same time I've some 'Grade B' dry pot that could also be converted into coconut oil. These will be separate batches...will keep the paragraphs separate as well. I'd like to detail my current understanding as I've not done this before, and pose certain questions that I haven't found concise answers to in my research to date. I'm shooting for a near-unscented process as there are neighbors. Coco-pot is for recreational use.

Dry pot process:
I plan to water-cure the pot, about a half-ounce. I'll hand-bust the buds for more surface area. This pot is as dry as it gets; it has been sitting on a tray within in a sealed bin above 1L of kitty litter since late March.
Question W1: Does temperature matter for the 4-7 days the pot is soaking in the water I'll change daily?
W2: After final soak, is patting/squeezing with paper towels adequate before decarb process?
W3: Thinking grinding isn't essential at this stage, as its just about removing taste?

Decarb process for dry pot:
I'd like to use my pressure cooker for this, a standard 15lb/250F model. I would load 500ml jar(s), have lids facing up, add band, cover with foil and almost-tighten, and PC for 60 minutes.
Question D1: I see varying temps recommended for this, but often 240F. Is 250F ok?
D2: 60 minutes good, or other time better?
D3: Should the pot be ground for this stage, or is hand-busted adequate?
D4: If after process is done and jars cooled overnight, is there any reason not to soak in Everclear alcohol for 5 or more minutes?

Infusion process for dry pot:
Planning to load into 250ml jars (500ml too tall) and use a rice cooker for temperature control, after a calibration run/check. I see a ratio of 1g pot:1oz coconut oil ratio for use. I would use a hand grinder on the pot before loading. I presume I can fully tighten the jars as the temp is to be just below boiling and the jars shouldn't have to notably equalize pressure. I'd cook the jars for 4 hours, and let them cool. Upon being cool enough to touch but still liquid (or reheat so they are liquid) I'd strain out the plant matter with cheesecloth. After done, return to glass jars and refrigerate or freeze.
Question i1: Is my pot:coconut oil ratio about right?
i2: Is lecithin required, and if so, in what ratio is it?
i3: During the 4 hours, should the jars be shaken/swirled, or just let sit for the entire time undisturbed?
i4: Is a single 4 hour cook good, or might be more better? I've extra time for the dry pot batch.
i5: Is tightening the jars correct, or should they be just short of tight like in a pressure cooker?

Infusion process for AVB:
Same as above but with a ratio of 1g AVB:15ml coconut oil
Question A1: Is this ratio about right? I've used high-THC pot at max (230C) vaping temp.
A2: Any change to lecithin ratio?

Finally, I'm guessing trying to do everything at once in the PC is just too high a temp for the infusion stage?

Thanks for reading this through, and please post any details to help my first time trying this.
Guessing this is a quiet corner of the forum!

A bit more research and I've determined that question D2 answer should be 30 minutes, as more may lead to the THC breaking down.

I've also noted that the everclear soak is a debatable one, so I'm cancelling D4 regarding it, just to simplify a process that is already long enough for a newb's first try. It also occurs to me that evaporating the Everclear would fail the unscented target.

I get that lecithin in liquid form is a requirement, and is to be 1 tbsp: 1 cup coconut oil, so that covers question i2.

Any other thoughts from you folk? Thanks for any comments!
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