Co2 for Spidermites in Greenhouse


420 Member
Hello! Was hoping to get some information on using co2 for killing spidermites in my 12'×18' greenhouse.

-best/ cheapest method to obtain co2?
- how much and how long?
- any negative effects?

Any and all info is appreciated. Thanks!
You can get Co2 at any air supply story (perhaps a welding shop), or get a Co2 generator. The % of Co2 determines how long. The downside, you'r greenhouse must be tightly sealed, and then well vented before you enter. I would not use Co2 in any grow room that is attached or inside your house. Too much Co2 can kill you, by displacing O2. You'll need to get some kind of instrument to measure Co2 levels. Do a lot of reading before you try the Co2 method!
I just did a fast google search using the keywords/phrase:
co2 to kill spidermites
There seems to be several web pages that will get you going on this project. Things to keep in mind that the recommendation is about 20% of the air in the greenhouse would have to be CO2. You will have to seal that building up tight so there is no way for any fresh air to get in around the windows, doors, ventilation openings or along the bottom of the walls and the ground. Depending on how good the seal is it could take anywhere from about 5 hours at close to 100% and about 5 days at 20%. Once the building is sealed up and the CO2 released there is no way to open a door, etc without loosing all the CO2 and having to start over.

Plus you cannot be in the room, tent or greenhouse when it is filled with the CO2, even at 20%, or you could die before the mites. If I looked at the info right we live at .04% CO2 in the atmosphere.

There is a good grow shop several minutes away. They seem to do a booming business every day with growers coming and going exchanging CO2 tanks. You probably can get a better deal by working with a business the specializes in bottled gases. Maybe check with a welding supply place and ask for the names of places that would have CO2 bottles
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