Closed Loop Collective


Well-Known Member
In detail, what does "closed loop collective" mean?

It seems to pertain to Californians' dispensaries incorporation as private non-profit mutual benefit corporations.

Hyperlinks and references would be much appreciated.
I would assume that it's a closed-loop type of network, in which the growers, dispensaries, and users are all in the same "network." A collective in CA is a group of patients who use a limited number of people to provide product for the whole group.
It means that they take extreme care to close a loop surrounding seed to final dispensing of their cannabis. It is intended to prevent any non inspected black market cannabis from entering the loop and prevent any legitimate cannabis from moving out of the loop to the black market. If you look at the "Clean Green" certification program it is detailed very well. Alot of people are not going to like it but this is where the MMJ infrastructure will eventually have to go to prove they are legitimate.

Basically any grower who supplies any dispensary will have to agree to organic methods of production to insure the safety of the crop ( chemical free) and also be open for inspection to guarantee any and all cannabis they grow only goes to dispensaries who also agree to be inspected to guarantee any and all cannabis they dispensed is only from growers in the closed loop and any and all cannabis is strictly accounted for.... basically it freezes any black market cannabis from entering the loop or leaving it.

There is a movement to get something like this passed as state law along with a federal law that would exempt this type of MMJ infrastructure.
the biggest complaint most government has concerning medical cannabis is that it is part and parcel of the black market. Some contend that the majority of cannabis sold at dispensaries comes from black market grows. They sell what they can to dispensaries then any extra goes on the street.

No controls on pesticides, herbicides or foliar applications at the wrong time. The closed loop with inspections eliminates this problem.

The second problem is that the black market does not pay taxes. In a closed loop there are records of every transaction. So it solves the tax problem.

The movement for this infrastructure also want to eliminate the ridiculous requirement that it be a non profit infrastructure.

the whole infrastructure would be open only to legitimate Med Cannabis recommendation holders.

Many in the med cannabis infrastructure would welcome this regulation if it would let them do business without the harrasment and give them a set of rules that did not change daily.

The deciding factor will get the feds to recognize Medical cannabis is not going away and to pass a law stating if a state had a program like this it would be legal.

What do you think? Most people I have talked to agree that the only way to legitimize med Cannabis is to make sure there is no black market involvement and that other legalization movements should be entirely segregated form the attempt to make the medical part as legitimate as possible.

Spread this around.... see how many would agree.
whiteraven86;1210020 What do you think? Most people I have talked to agree that the only way to legitimize med Cannabis is to make sure there is no black market involvement and that other legalization movements should be entirely segregated form the attempt to make the medical part as legitimate as possible. Spread this around.... see how many would agree.[/QUOTE said:
I agree with this closed loop collective. It would be beneficial to both medical marijuana users and recreational users. We can be assured of quality weed.
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