Close fear.


New Member
So I was lucky enough to be able to pick up 2 oz of Kush this week, and it is KILLER potent. Problem is the smell is too!

I was driving to the park with my dog with 2 (TWO) J's in my pocket, very fragrant. Then it happened. BANG! Rear-ended....

Cops get called, I immediately grab the J's out of my pocket, walk towards a lamp post pretending to call someone, drop the j's and cover them with my feet.

I fill out my information, talk to the police, all the while standing close to my J's at the lamp post. As the cop hands me my license, I let it drop to the ground, grab it, and one of my 2 J's, and walk off!

Sucks that my truck got nailed, but I drove away and still toked!! Why is it you have no fear when it comes to MJ, couldn't even let them both go...
Close call...I could smell it a couple times while I was talking to the cop...he obviously didn't!
dude sucks about your ride but heck atleast you could still catch a buzz and damn bro 2 oz share the wealth
nice sleight of hand technique. took a crappy situation and kept it from getting a lot worse. seems like it wouldnt matter if you werent at fault in the accident but still had weed on you, youd get nailed with DUI and the accident.
2 thumbs up for balls and brains
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