Cloning without rooting hormone

I've used non pasteurized honey. Worked. Was it the honey or just the wet jiffy cube, who knows. I have seen people just stick them in water like my wife does with her houseplants.
So ive heard from a few sources that you can clone without rooting hormone, using straight water and also willow tree extract and aspirin. Just wanted to know if there is any truth to these options
yes, there is truth to that... these are weeds, and they will try to survive even the worst conditions.
The best cloning method I have ever used just involved water ... no aspirin, willow bark or anything else. I will provide the link for you to check out... I get 98% success rate with this bubble cloner :
No 1 thing to get roots is heat. Clones will die without the water and humidity but will take forever without constant heat. Just from my personal experience
No 1 thing to get roots is heat. Clones will die without the water and humidity but will take forever without constant heat. Just from my personal experience
So if u did the bubble cloner method, would it be worth it to put the bubble cloner on heat mat or would it make it to warm and nasty things would start growing?
i never heated the thing and i am afraid that it might promote other growth, nasty things as you said. I found that the roots would start coming in very quickly without doing anything extra, and once I started seeing root nodules forming, putting a couple of drops of calmag in the water seemed to make the roots leap out of that stem.
depends on your environment. Winter down here, you ain't never gonna get rooting in a 10 degree shed. I don't need to heat anything in summer. but horses for courses. I find 28 degrees and H202 optimal to get rooting in 4-5 days. Anything lower for me seems to take longer
Couldn't resist chipping in. :nomo:

Here outdoors in the Mediterranean, I just trim 'em off the plant, strip the stem a little to encourage root growth, pop 'em in water, into the cold frame (which is good and humid) and within a week or so, I'm potting up a cutting with roots.
Maybe next time u make some clones could u maybe takes some pics and post on this thread? Im very interested in this, i want to clone without all the fancy rooting chemicals
Man that’s all I Ben using for years works better then enything in my book
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