Cloning Question


420 Member
Hi, new to growing. i was wondering when is the best time to take a clipping for a clone? Is it to late if the plant has buds already? My Plant looks very short, but since this is my first plant.....maybe its suppose to look like that? Someone gave me some seeds that were like 10 years old. I think she said they were AK47? I was surprised they germinated. But is it to late to clone at this point. I want to experiment. Thanks

Easier to clone when they younger, can be done but it's hard for them to root when it's in Flower mode. Least all my experiences had better luck with younger plants where stems are softer and not so "woody".
I would reveg after harvesting. Just leave a couple bottom branches that still have nodes with flowers and leaves on them.

Flip to 24/0 for a couple of weeks until you begin to see vegetive growth, then dial it back to 18/6.

Before flipping back to 12/12, take cuttings for propagations.

Good luck. Killer plant btw. 🙌🏽
Welcome to 420 Magazine @SGCool

Your lady is already in flowering stage so a little late to take clones, but she looks great.
Most growers take clipping for clones around mid veg and while training.

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Tok.. :bong:

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Hi, new to growing. i was wondering when is the best time to take a clipping for a clone? Is it to late if the plant has buds already? My Plant looks very short, but since this is my first plant.....maybe its suppose to look like that? Someone gave me some seeds that were like 10 years old. I think she said they were AK47? I was surprised they germinated. But is it to late to clone at this point. I want to experiment. Thanks

Beautiful lady my friend. :welldone:
Welcome to 420Magazine. :welcome:
It's more difficult to clone in flower but not impossible.
If she isn't an auto???
Smaller branches at the bottom are easier.
Do you have any seeds left.
You can make a ton of clones from that seed.
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Happy growing.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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