Bush Doctor 77
Well-Known Member
Long time ago I had fair success with organic plugs for making clones, but bought an aeroponic unit, and have been using that for some time. The aero unit takes more work, as I wash everything with hot soapy water, rinse and then run the unit with a mild bleach solution, then rinse and finally fill with water for cloning. I cut my clones at a 45 degree angle with an sterile razor, put them in water immediately, then put a 1/4 inch vertical slit in the bottom, and dip in dry cloning hormone. I followed that process for both plugs and aero, and Root Riot really was a dismal failure. All
the cuttings were on the same day, and one plug is missing because it was totally dead. The cuttings in plugs were domed and misted. Nothing was done to the aero plugs at all after cutting.