Cloning mother plant


New Member
I am a new grower & my plant broke off a nice size of its branch during transport. I am unemployed & cant afford rooting hormone. Is there a chance of survival without the hormone? If so, Is there any tips out there. please save my plant! :helpsmilie:
I am a new grower & my plant broke off a nice size of its branch during transport. I am unemployed & cant afford rooting hormone. Is there a chance of survival without the hormone? If so, Is there any tips out there. please save my plant! :helpsmilie:

you broke a branch off and then what? was it a branch or did you brake your plant in half? it depends on a lot of things if your branch will survive is this an indoor grow or out door grow because its getting late in the season in most areas of the country, and did you ever say what you did with the branch when it happened, more info is needed.
I read in here once that willow tree braches have a natural rooting hormone and keep away the slime if u do it in a DWC setup, just keep a branch in the water. and you can transfer it after it takes roots
It is an indoor closet grow. The majority of the plant is alive but the part that broke off is dead. I have some rooting powder & jiffy pellets now but am scared to start the cloning process b/c Im not getting all the acurate info to go about the process.
After you have made the cutting for a clone, with a razor cut across the stem at a 45° angle just above a node. Scrape the stem with the edge of the razor to remove the top layer for about the last inch of stem. Dip in rooting gel, then insert into pre-soaked oasis cubes. Roots in 8-10 days...

This works very well....
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