Clone Trouble


New Member
Hello All.

Need some advice. I think I have some nutrient lock. I have had these clones under a 24 light cycle under a flouro light the past week or so and just recently switched to 18/6. I haven't been feeding them any nutrients other than what is in the soil. They have yellow coloring on the tips which I think is nutrient burn, and yellowing leaves, which is nitrogen lock out (from what i have read). I am not sure what to do. This is my first time around, so of course I am more worried than I should be lol. But if anyone can throw me some advice, that'd be pretty rad. I have only been giving these guys water, but I read i was giving them too much even though it was in the 90s last week. Location Norcal.
So I understand the process of giving them lighter or less nutrients. Also I understand using a spray bottle of fertilizer but what is the deal with the water? I'm lost there... As well as 6.5 for the nutrients. Is that the PH level? I appreciate the help I just need a bit more info!
Yea thats your PH level of the water after you add in your nutes. Flushing is to fix your PH of the soil. The yellowing leaves could mean the PH of your soil is off. Which is giving you the nitrogen lock out, and maybe causing other lock outs like potassium and magnesium. Oh thats not nute burn, so you need to fix your PH of your soil by flushing it with PH water of 6.0-6.5
So I tested my water without nutes, with nutes, and in a bucket beneath my bucket that has my plants and soil. The color was good from 6-7. The nutes that I am using are
. Im gonna give it another week, and tomorrow start with the fert and see how they do. Two smaller clones seem to be doing very well. I am just a little worried about the other 3. I will keep you posted within the few days or so.
That gro might be the problem it doesnt have enough nitrogen. Most grows have atleast 7 for nitrogen. Are you mixing in the micro also? I would add a good amount of that since more nitrogen is needed during the veg state. There really lacking nitrogen. Whats wrong with the other clones? If its more yellowing of the leaves i would add more nitrogen. Unless its the bottom leaves there just feeding off of those leaves until they get healthy enough. Keep 420 posted. Ill be checking this post good luck :thumb:
alright so here is an update a few days later. Im not seeing any signs of improvement. Ive been feeding them full strength nutrients and gave them a calcium mag nutrient as well. I am not sure what to do. They are growing fine, they still have those burnt tips. Im driving myself crazy with this. And im pretty sure ill never buy clones for that dispensary again!
My questions are,

what kind of water are you giving them (distilled, RO, tap water, well water)?

What kind of soil are you growing in....

My best advice would be, (without knowing more about your grow), make yourself some compost tea.

get a 5 gallon bucket, air pump and airstone, molasses, worm casings, a nylon stocking or paint strainer, and your good to go...

fill the bucket with water, if it's city water, let it sit and bubble for 24 hours... put a good handful or 2 of worm casings in the stocking and add a handful of the dirt that your using and hang it in the water like a teabag, then add 1-2 spoonfuls of molasses...let this bubble for about 48 hours, then water your plants with it, and also put some in a spray bottle and spray your plants...(morning is best time) compost tea is awesome and really can help a soil revive itself...there are many other things you can put in your teas but worm casings is almost a must (has nitrogen) but you can add other things such as guanos, kelp meal, seaweed, and many other things...

Hope this helps...

If you haven't been giving them any nutrients, you might want to do a 1/4-1/2 dose of your nutrients and start with low doses, slowly increase them to full amounts by the end of flowering.

Another thing you can do is mix up some epsom salts and water and give your plants a foliar spray...should help green them up by letting the plant flush itself and send sugars to the soil for microbes to feed and in return give nutrients needed :)
Icemud i appreciate the advice but that sounds expensive and too complicated for me right now lol. I cant afford to drop anymore money! Wiz here are the pics of the tops of the plants. These are my babies I worry about them so forgive me. But some are showing minor burnt tips but for the most part they are growing fast and looking healthy.
The best thing you can do is buy the jorge Cervantes Medical Marijauna Grow Bible. It has everything you need to know and then some.Just follow the directions and you will be fine.
I wish you the best.
Right. Sorry I was MIA a couple of days. Im gonna upload pics of the nuts that have show the ingredients. I think Ill water next with just water or dilute the nutrients. They are growing nice, just still having a few of the clones with the burnt tips on the new growth still.
Its possible u could also have a choke out ,ur soil looks to me to be lacking perlite.its important that the plant drains well takin only what it needs and draining the rest out da bottom.i would go light veg nutes alternating with balanced ph water also make sure u have fair amount of runoff everytime u water n feed..and last but not least allow plant to dry up before u water or feed..hope for a swift recovery
Looks like a choke out.important that ur medium can drain properly.only holding what it needs at allowing the rest to drain out.without enough perlite ur medium will contract and constrict ur roots..
When I first got my girls, they were in party cups and were in some pretty dead soil. They were pot bound and were under my T5's in my clone box. They were getting a triple does of shittyness. Not enough light, not enough nutes and not enough room. Now that I have them potted in 5 gal smart pots with some fresh organic soil and have been giving them proper nutes an water, they perked right up. The leaves started to yellow and the green leaves were a little too light. Once they started getting proper nutes and had some good soil to live in, the problems took care of themselves. You also have to take into account transplant shock. Any time you repot your plants you stress them a little.
Yep,its almost never one thing that causes the plant go south,its a compound affect..i dial in the basics and let the plant tell me what it needs relative to stage its at..if it was only a nitro overdose with no other issues ur leaves would be dark green before tips get toasted
So I went back to the basics. And i also realized it was too cold where my plants were. So i switched over from the fluorescent light to the hps but im not going to do 600w yet. Im gonna leave it at 400w and let them adjust to the constant heat/light. But yea I have been watering them with half strength nuts and they are looking better. I will post some updated pics later this week. Thanks guys. Much appreciation this is been a pretty cool growing experience!
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