Well-Known Member
Howdy all what turn around times and rates do you get from the way of your cloning practice ? I've heard some people doing alot of things on here and I'm trying to find out ? Not to say I'm a master cloner or anything but I do pretty good I usually get100%turn around in about a week time with minimal stress in a terrarium with rapid rootes and a dome no heat mat I dampen the rooter with humic acid and EM-1 and use it throughout the cycle with the rooting acid hormone instead of the gel or powder which for $10 I can do many many clones I save what I don't use in a pill bottle under in my veg room I just keep them at a safe distance from the light I've done the clone machine for some years and had ok luck but ph fluctuating and heat from the pump and changing water What a Pain in the ass ! I like the terrarium much better how about you all?? What's your method? Same with beans what's your popping method?