Clip before flower


Active Member
Hi my friends:

I have 8 very compacted and bushy girls and just sent them to flower this past Saturday. I have been clipping the leaves because this plants are very dense. Have done 3 times already in the veggie period and the dried stuff is very good for just leaves.

My question is because being so dense If I should clip the fan leaves to give more light room for when the flowers begin to grow.
I am at around the same time in flower with my Northern Lights - I only remove fan leaves that are blocking young tips, in order to maximize the amount of top bud sites. Be careful, they need their leaves for energy when their flowers grow.
I clip all of the lower growth that is not going to get usable penetration from my lights before flower, and in my garden there is always a portion from the soil up into the plant that is nothing but naked branches. This not only allows better air and light flow into the plant, but it also allows the plant to not waste energy supporting these lower buds that never would have amounted to much anyway, and instead give that energy to the buds at the top.

I would do this very soon if you are going to do it... you are almost a week into flower already, and once you get into flower the plants get a bit funny about being chopped on. In flower, as Richard stated, I would only remove a leaf that was actually blocking the light from a bud, and if I could tuck the leaf instead, I would choose that.
Yes, I did yesterday morning. Got just the great big fan leaves but left the mid to small ones. Amazing all the resin on the fan leaves
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