City Trying To Weed Out 10 Marijuana Dispensaries

Despite efforts to keep medical marijuana collectives from springing up, dispensaries continue to settle in business districts and shopping centers, taking advantage of Lake Forest's business-friendly policies.

At least 10 marijuana collectives are doing business in Lake Forest, setting up in office spaces that often go unnoticed by the city.

Though Lake Forest adopted an ordinance prohibiting any business that does not adhere to both state and federal laws, many of the dispensaries have taken advantage of the city's laissez-faire policy where businesses are not required to register with the city.

There are about 50 marijuana dispensaries throughout the county. But many of the businesses have clustered themselves in Lake Forest, including three marijuana dispensaries that sit just feet from one another in the second floor of a shopping center on Raymond Way -- less than 1,000 feet from an elementary school.

And though federal law prohibits the use and sale of marijuana, some dispensaries appear to be operating without meeting even state standards. Of the 10 dispensaries that were reviewed by the Orange County Register, four could not be verified as holding a state seller's permit — one of the guidelines set forth by the state's attorney.

When contacted and asked about a seller's permit, employees and owners either declined to comment or did not return requests for comment.

City officials said they have attempted to shut down some dispensaries and have sent letters to businesses and landlords. But efforts to shut them down have so far been unsuccessful.

"To my knowledge, they're still operating," said Scott Smith, attorney for the city.

Most dispensaries low profile

But while some dispensaries maintain a low-profile, one has taken a different approach.

"Why am I going to be open and all these people are getting right next to me, not abiding by the same law," said Monica Hernandez, manager of the Lake Forest Alternative Center.

Since her collective opened four months ago, Hernandez has e-mailed back and forth with city code enforcement and attorneys, requesting an ordinance regulating marijuana collectives be adopted.

"Briefly, the City makes no distinction between any of these uses — including your own — for we uniformly prohibit all uses which violate State or Federal Law," wrote Lou Kirk, Lake Forest code enforcement supervisor in an e-mail to Hernandez.

When he first asked the city about opening marijuana collective, Albert Maraz said officials told him it was not allowed in the city. Months later, he found that several dispensaries had opened and he began looking for a space.

But a lack of ordinances regulating dispensaries, landlords eager to rent commercial space and the fact that no business registration is required has drawn some dispensaries that cut corners, break the law, and crowd around shopping centers, Maraz said.

"The whole city is basically open because the city is not doing anything," Hernandez said.

Don't make waves

While Maraz said his business follows state guidelines by charging sales tax and verifying the recommendations of their patients, some do not, he said. When he requires patients to bring in the original recommendation from their doctor, instead of a copy, some patients point out that other nearby dispensaries don't have such requirements.

"It's sad for the movement," he said.

Some managers of dispensaries said the relationship with the city has been more of a quiet agreement; as long as there aren't any problems and a low profile is maintained.

"It's don't ask, don't tell," Hernandez said.

City officials disagree.

Smith, the city's attorney, said the city is currently working on a new strategy to have dispensaries shut, although he said he did not want to specify how at the moment. And though some dispensaries are acting according to state law, city ordinances still prohibit businesses that are illegal under federal law.

"I'm basically paying them (taxes) to tell me I can't be here," Hernandez said.

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: The Orange County Register
Contact: The Orange County Register
Copyright: 2009 Orange County Register Communications
Website: City Trying To Weed Out 10 Marijuana Dispensaries
I smell a ...... M-I-C---K-E-Y --M-O.......

That's deep. Too high 4 words. This Hernandez lady basically blew the whistle on herself. In all of this who was harmed other than her ego or ambitions for success? Then she cries about "I'm basically paying them (taxes) to tell me I can't be here,"

Earlier in the article 'Since her collective opened four months ago, Hernandez has e-mailed back and forth with city code enforcement and attorneys, requesting an ordinance regulating marijuana collectives be adopted. "Briefly, the City makes no distinction between any of these uses – including your own – for we uniformly prohibit all uses which violate State or Federal Law," wrote Lou Kirk, Lake Forest code enforcement supervisor in an e-mail to Hernandez.'
SO BASICALLY SHE KNEW says it right there ^. These are people that are upset that they are afraid to do what they see others do or they try and get caught. So they tell. It would have been wiser to become more active in local politics (like the Richard Lee Oaksterdam model) and lobby for support to help MAKE the change, not cry about it. The people that she's crying to aren't sympathetic to her cause or qualms. As far as they are concerned she's in the same category, guilty of the same crime. I call it civil disobedience and there's a way to go about it. Snitching isn't one of the them! Get some kind of hustle about yourself and do something with your life!!
*NOTE To the moderators, I was just venting. Its out. WOOooo SAAaaahh
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