Christmas Beer


Well-Known Member
bit early, but.... :)
This is for beer makers
we use to make it in green plastic garbage bins
it'd make about 4 24s
would throw in about a lb of leaves in cheesecloth
let the fermentation run its course
when bottling, would put a shot of, up here at the time, Alcool, think its Everclear now
and about 1/2 tsp sugar(to feed the yeast and make it a bit bubbly)
i'd give 6 packs to friends at Christmas
people thought i was cheap till they tried it
it was a beer, a shot, and a joint.
all in 1 :)
Hmm, interesting. As a homebrewer -- my mind is running through styles to decide which would suit it best. What style of beer did you do this with? Forgive me if I don't follow your lead on the garbge bins, however. ;)
well, they're the ones you set out on the curb
i could fill it 3/4 full
type of beer was, i believe, a pale ale, liquid malt extract
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