Chopping in Stages


Well-Known Member
I have a very large Amnesia Lemon outside in a raised bed.
She was over 6’ tall and a musky citric aroma fills the air.
The top colas were full and ripe w/ mostly darkened pistils.
Amber trichs were predominately on the leaves with the buds showing mostly clear .
The transition to milky just beginning.
Perfect for me :cool:
Yesterday morning , I chopped about a pound and a half of wet buds and stems.
The attached photos are from this morning and after yesterday’s chop.
Many more buds are reaching that point , that I like , and I see chopping more tomorrow morning.
After , we shall see.
The weather is perfect thru Saturday w/ rain in the forecast.
Wow Sr. Moments, nice grow. That's gonna be a helluva harvest! I took down two Cinderella 99s outdoor in the last couple of months and had to do it in stages also. It didn't cut down the time but it was an easier cleanup to do it on the live plant over a 3 day period. Enjoy!
Thank you BooWho. This might take another week or longer ?
The plant is all over the place with some buds very close and some a ways to go.
No prob. I have time. :thumb:
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