Cheap tent has me concerned


New Member
I bought a new tent on Ebay, 4x4x6.5 for 80$. Does anybody have any experience with these cheapos. I'm feeling worried about my light crashing.
Ok, hopefully it will be fine. I'll keep the thread updated about the tent. I'm sure there are plenty of penny pinchers that would like to know. They don't have much of a review system on ebay.
This is it here:
You are worried about that tent? (Grins ) I started my first grow a couple of months ago and its about a thrid that size, lol. ( I have 4 plants in it and they are starting to grow over the lights and entangleing themselfs, ( bad planning) Just don't try to do too many at one time in a tent.
Cheap tents leak light and or fall apart fairly quickly - fabric tears, zips break. The old saying 'you get what you pay for' generally applies to most grow supplies I've found over the years.
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