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Looking at a 300 watt cfl 850 watt equivalent.
Hot hot would this bulb get?
Must I have a reflector hood with this or can I just hang it by cord?
Distance I should probably have from a 3 inch plant? Guessing to start would most likely be the max 30" or maybe more?
Would this bulb really be a 850w equivalent or just ball park?
Since my girl is still only about 3" can I wait and continue using only my Mars hydro 48? I think its a 96w.. And how long do i have before the much needed additional lighting..
Don't have cooling options so must maintain low heat and must keep low noise level so adding an actual Ac or even a portable air coolers at 66d isn't really optional yet.
Electric option must stay as low as possibly can but can't yet afford the high end LED unit I want. So if I can't use items like MH/HPS besides this CFL option what else should I have left besides a high output CFL??
I think it just goes by actual wattage so it would be a 300w. You want to make sure you get the right kelvin for either veg or flower.
Cfl should be the coolest option think you can get within 6 to 12 in.
You could continue with the mars but more light means faster growth and once you switch to flower less light means lower yield.
Reflector hood allows the light to cover a wider area more efficiently. Depends on the size of the area your trying to light and reflectiviness of the area.
Also you want to at least have some oscilating fans and airflow bringing new air in or youll run into other issues but these should help limit heat.

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I'm growing with only cfl's in a small area and they work great! Rule of thumb is 150w per plant. Not the equivalent wattage but the actual wattage that the bulb is rated. And keep the lights at least 3 to 4" from your plant. Use the back of your hand to judge the heat. Too hot for your hand is too hot for your plant. Check out my journal. My first grow bagseed cfl mini box

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Ok I am talking about a Felix 300 watt, 15000 lumens, 6500k doesn't say anything about Kelvin.. The closets 5ft. Wide × 6ft deep × 5ft high.. So im not sure what it'll hold as far as small plants but as they get bigger I plan on moving them to tents.. I do have a small 6" oscillating fan about 2 1/2 - 3 ft from them.. And as far as the Mars Led I have now it puts off almost zero heat.. Like I can put my hand literally right on it and it doesnt even feel warm running 24/7.. I have it about 8 inches from them but im not sure if I can put it closer or not so ive left it at that height..

The 6500k is the kelvin rating, here is a chart i found that shows the ranges. You want the higher kelvin blue spectrum for veg and the lower for flower. Based on your space i would keep the mars where it is and get a couple cfl for the sides. Just add one at a time until it gets too hot.

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Ok awesome, hey I just went in there to change out my water I use to add humidity in their and found out that my girls have turned a light lime green / yellowy look.. Ive read up a little and itsays something about over or underwatering?
I normally associate leaves drooping with over or under watering. How old are they and how often do you water? Yellowing can be a number of things such as low nitro or mag or not enough light.

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I haven't been trying to water them all that much recently because of someone telling me the level leaf height with a slight under curl might have to do with over watering so ive been using a small bottle ive just bought for misting the leaves. Its probably no more than an oz or 1.5 and I split that between the 2 plants.. Sometimes once a day sometimes 2 times a day.. Just depending on how the top soil looks the fan dries them out so fast tho..
I also a day or 2 ago lowered the light some more.. They are almost 2 weeks old now in solo cups about 3- 31/2 inches in height.. Have their 3rd set of leaves coming in now
Not more than a few hours ago they dint look like this at all.. I haven't been in there because I was watching a movie but just noticed.. If its that I need to start nutes or something I wouldn't know Lol.. I haven't grown indoors ever and any attempts back in the day when I was younger wed throw the seeds out and if they grew we let them if they didnt we threw more but ive never had to attend to them like this
If its the leaf tips curling down thats nitro burn from hot soil, can happen with seedlings in soil like ffof. Do the solo cups have holes in the bottom, are the roots poking out? May need a transplant to bigger pot. If the soil is light with no nutes available you could start feeding 1/4 strength nutes at this point as well.

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At this point too i would water the soil until top couple inches are dry and spray with water once every day at lights out.

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Not more than a few hours ago they dint look like this at all.. I haven't been in there because I was watching a movie but just noticed.. If its that I need to start nutes or something I wouldn't know Lol.. I haven't grown indoors ever and any attempts back in the day when I was younger wed throw the seeds out and if they grew we let them if they didnt we threw more but ive never had to attend to them like this
I hear you, first couple grows are annoying, lot of trial and error. Once you get everything dialed in for your set up though, then things smooth out. Im still working out the kinks with mine as well, lot of ph issues. Which make sure you invest in a ph pen and ph balance your water and feeds or your gonna hate life. A cal mag suplement is a good idea as well.

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I just watered them. I had an organics soil.. It want really a strong soil ad I mixed it with peat but as far as nutrients levels I dot know its it had any real value. The organics did say that it was supposed to be able to feed up to 3 months.. And hey Thanx I just checked the whole root coming out of the bottom thing and YES.. they are.. Im adding pics of the organics soil now
Uploaded some pics and transplanted them into bigger containers.. Ok so what gonna happen if as I was flipping the substrate back over to put into the new pot and the very bottom half fell off and pulled some roots off.. It was holding together ok.. Till right before I got it in the new pot and the paw fell right off ripping the root..
If its says good for three months then it is likely hot soil and the curl is nitro burn.

Peat i believe can lower ph on you, dolomite lime is a good addition to regulate ph. If ph drops from between 6.2 and 7 you can have all kinds of deficiencies and lockout.

Even hot soil may need a cal mag supplement too which dolomite helps with also. I usually start using it around week 3. Foliar feeding with it can be a quick fix for a deficiency.

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The roots getting messed up will likely delay growth while it repairs the damage and they may be unhappy for a few days. Should survive though as long as you keep things stable.

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So what kind of call mg supplement should i try and pick up.. And I got those be lights.. Well I got 2 new ones not the 300's I got two 105w 400 equivalent.. Its weird they post "equivalents" but yet that's not really the thing that matters or your looking for.. These were only 36 bucks tho and are 6500k
Please, do yourself a favor and get a Mars Hydro 300 at the least for your main light source. Then you can supplement with CFL. Trust me it will pay for itself.
Ya thaws a 4-500 dollar main light source. Im wanting to get one of the newer kind 1000 watt. .but still.. That's 1600 to 1850 as well
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