Wondering when sourcing seed strains that are high in CBD and low in THC the odds of a producing plant with a high CBD level is perhaps hit and miss. As I understand it a seed will take the characteristics of the previous generations parents. So if one had a sample of say 10 seeds then a certain percentage will produce a plant high in CBD, another percentage high in THC and the rest somewhere in the middle. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the phenotype component in breeding, but doesn't it kind of make growing a particular strain from seed a crap shoot unless perhaps the previous generations in the breeding were consistent through many generations?. I suppose my concern also would apply to THC as well, and really only a clone from a tested plant guarantees a stated THC/CBD ratio?.
Wondering when sourcing seed strains that are high in CBD and low in THC the odds of a producing plant with a high CBD level is perhaps hit and miss. As I understand it a seed will take the characteristics of the previous generations parents. So if one had a sample of say 10 seeds then a certain percentage will produce a plant high in CBD, another percentage high in THC and the rest somewhere in the middle. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the phenotype component in breeding, but doesn't it kind of make growing a particular strain from seed a crap shoot unless perhaps the previous generations in the breeding were consistent through many generations?. I suppose my concern also would apply to THC as well, and really only a clone from a tested plant guarantees a stated THC/CBD ratio?.