Canopy Growth Corp. Leads The Way Towards The Legalized MJ Market In Canada

Robert Celt

New Member
North American political outlook for Marijuana Investments

I am cautiously bullish for US investment opportunities in MJ. However, American political uncertainty, especially on the federal level remains a headwind to companies during this period of piece meal arrival of legalization laws.

Political clarity matters. MJ investments in the US today have the analogous uncertainty and suffocation that Canopy Growth Corp (OTC:TWMJF) `CGC' and other Canadian MJ companies endured under the Conservative Stephen Harper led anti-legalization government. If Mr. Harper had been re-elected it would have drastically curtailed any significant hopes for legal cannabis production future revenues and expansion of the entire Canadian MJ industry.

Across the border to the US, similar concerns of politically uncertainty manifest in varying degrees for each separate State in the Union. Some states like Nebraska and Oklahoma oppose MJ reform and have filed suit against Colorado's allegedly unconstitutional disregard of Federal law.

"Federal law undisputedly prohibits the production and sale of marijuana," Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning said Thursday in a statement. "Colorado has undermined the United States Constitution, and I hope the U.S. Supreme Court will uphold our constitutional principles."

Mr. Obama in the latter days of his Presidency has asked the Courts to reject hearing the complaint against Colorado on grounds of the Supreme Court being an unsuitable adjudicator. It may seem supportive to have the President make this request but it also demonstrates there is some concern the federal lawsuit launched by Nebraska and Oklahoma could have some merit under laws. If the defense was so strong for Colorado's position, would the President need to make this kind of plea?


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Canopy Growth Corp. Leads The Way Towards The Legalized MJ Market In Canada
Author: Dean Chaykowski
Contact: Seeking Alpha
Photo Credit: Bloomberg
Website: Seeking Alpha
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