I'm making my first cannabutter. I haven't eaten edibles in 25+ years. The last time I ate too much at a concert and it wasn't fun.
I decarbed 20 g of bud that was broken down into small bits. Its in a double boiler now with 250 g butter. I am mixing occasionally. I understand this method should cook for an hour? Does that seem right? This is a no water method.
I understand that edibles could really help with sleep? I probably should have checked here first before making anything. Any advice on using and/ or dosing would be appreciated. Thanks
I decarbed 20 g of bud that was broken down into small bits. Its in a double boiler now with 250 g butter. I am mixing occasionally. I understand this method should cook for an hour? Does that seem right? This is a no water method.
I understand that edibles could really help with sleep? I probably should have checked here first before making anything. Any advice on using and/ or dosing would be appreciated. Thanks