Cannabis Time Lapse Videos

Hello everyone!

We all love to watch time lapse videos, and some of us really enjoy creating them. There are many different journals on 420 Magazine that have some wonderful time lapse views, we felt it would be nice to gather some of them in one place so members who aren't subscribed to those threads can enjoy them as well.

Feel free to post your time lapse here, the only rule is that it must be cannabis related to keep with the rules of the site for on topic posts.

I will start with one that I created to see if I could capture the roots growing and searching for food and moisture.

We hope to see what everyone else has to offer and what they are working on.

From Seed to Seedling Time Lapse:
WOW Canna
I loved the way the one on the right kinda wobbled a little getting her legs under her as she was stretching for the light. Kind of like watching a child walk for the 1st time.
Very cool indeed!

Hi OG :)

Yeah, it was wobbly. LOL It got a little choppy because I decided mid-vid (so to speak) to add another seed in there. I had to keep adjusting the camera to keep both root systems clearly in view and they grew. ;)
Oh Canna. I think you're officially my favorite person. :laughtwo: I clapped my hands, chortled with glee and shed a small tear of joy when they broke the surface. The miracle of life.

It was amazing to watch that tap root on the right shoot out and down. Such power in those tiny seeds. Thank you for setting this thread up. This is going to be so much fun!
Awww....thanks "Sweet" of you. :laughtwo:

I planted those two seeds right at the edge of the glass, hoping I could get a shot of those roots starting. Surprised it worked. ;-)

It starts out kind of like "is anything gonna happen here, or what?", then you see that little glint of white coming alive and getting fat. LOL

I have one showing how plants know when to go to sleep and wake up before the lights even go off or on, but I'm having a little trouble with youtube at the moment. I'll get it fixed. :)
Subscribed my Sista from another Mista. Another great Idea!!! I'm so glad we're related. :thedoubletake::love:
High Cannafan,:love:

Since I cured cancer with this little plant, it'll be great to see it grow in time.....lapse. :thumb:

Happy to be here with y'all to enjoy it!


I Cured Cancer With This Little Plant !!!

Sorry, I still can't believe it.

That's very cool Mr Am4zin.
It's almost like you could sit down with a cuppa and have a nice convo with them while they grow and stretch and start their changes.


I do that quite often as it goes, Mrs A says I spend too much time in the cupboard with my girls.
I'm waiting on a camera that is being gifted to me by another member of this fine community, when I get that, it will be a permanent addition to my grow box. There will be time lapse a plenty then :hug::hug:
Good deal MrAm4zin!

I found a quick little vid I did to show how plants are trained to know when to sleep and wake up based on the light schedule. You can see in the vid that this plant will lower her leaves as if drifting off to sleep before the lights actually go out, and her leaves are mostly upright waiting before the lights come back on.
Of course there is no video of the lights going out, who wants to see a black blank page? LOL
Here is a lesson learned type time lapse..choppy but you'll get the point of it. LOL I posted as it was to my grow thread:

The reason I'm posting it is to show how over watering a seedling can affect them. This seed was planted directly into the final pot. It was hard to determine for me just how much water I had given it, with the difference between a large pot and a solo cup that is fairly easy to watch. Pick it up and if it feels light, might want some water.
I watered a little more yesterday before I went to work. This morning when I went in there, I saw quite a bit of run off in the base. That meant there was way too much water in that soil. Damn!
The plant literally stopped growth yesterday and the leaves drooped ever so slightly as you will see at the end of the vid.
Lesson learned. She will recover. I just slowed her down a day or two.
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