Tincture Teddies

Well, now that I have all of this tincture made, it's time to try a recipe I ran into about gummy bears and tincture. Yep...Tincture Teddies.
I found it on a blog I've been frequenting about Cannabis edibles.

Here's the destructions:

Tincture Teddies
By: THCristi

What you'll need:
1 package gummy bears
A good amount of Cannabis Tincture (enough to cover the bears)
Mason jar and lid or other glass container with a lid
Time and patience

Place your gummy bears in mason jar. Cover bears with Cannabis tincture Place jar in fridge. Shake jar daily. When your gummy bears have doubled in size they are ready. Store in sealed jar in the fridge and eat 1-4 bears as a medicated dose depending on your tolerance.

Any tincture that didn't absorb into the gummy bears is now flavored like the gummies and can be taken by dropper full under tongue for a sweetened sub-lingual medicine.

These little Tincture Teddies help the medicine go down. The sweet chewy little bears soak up the marijuana tincture and lend their fruity sweetness to what can be a very medicinal tasting plain tincture of cannabis.

Note: The gummy bears soak up better with Alcohol based tinctures, if using glycerine or agave, THCristi says to mix an equal part of water to tincture to help them soak it up. Personally, I don't know if that will work or not. Seems like your tincture would be greatly diluted?

I'll post up a pic when mine are done. My tincture is done with Everclear.

Thanks for that Ziggy. I hope to try and get some made tomorrow. I stocked up on good crackers to try it out on. YUM

I was up way too early this morning.....so I flew an idea into action. Lunch is going to be interesting today.


You are a human tornado - and now enjoying cannabis again :)
Help.... I've made some gummy bears but I'm having awful trouble getting them out of the molds. They've been in the fridge for 5 hours and feel dry?? Should I have sprinkled some corn flour in the mood to begin with maybe?? i put them in the freezer for an hour and they did come out the molds a lot easier but once they thawed they became quite sticky and no amount of icing sugar helps!

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Help.... I've made some gummy bears but I'm having awful trouble getting them out of the molds. They've been in the fridge for 5 hours and feel dry?? Should I have sprinkled some corn flour in the mood to begin with maybe?? i put them in the freezer for an hour and they did come out the molds a lot easier but once they thawed they became quite sticky and no amount of icing sugar helps!

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Not sure corn flour would be good for them, although I've never tried it ...or making gummy bears.
Maybe a light bit of non stick cooking spray on the molds would do the trick. Not heavy, just enough to cover the molds.
Don't use the flavored kind, if they still sell that. YUK
Let us know if you try it again. :)

Help.... I've made some gummy bears but I'm having awful trouble getting them out of the molds. They've been in the fridge for 5 hours and feel dry?? Should I have sprinkled some corn flour in the mood to begin with maybe?? i put them in the freezer for an hour and they did come out the molds a lot easier but once they thawed they became quite sticky and no amount of icing sugar helps!

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Yep, I just did some looking and the suggestions with candy molds are to spray lightly with non stick cooking spray before pouring your mixture into the molds.
The silicone molds are nice, because you can pop them out better. But you can use any candy mold.

Easy Chicken Broth Base

I'm having major dental work done beginning next week, so soft foods is on the schedule for a while. I'm going with some oriental foods, and needed some chicken broth. Of course, I'm out and no buollion cubes either, Soooooo...you know those packages of Lipton Noodle soup you have hanging around in the pantry?

I didn't want the noodles in this recipe, so I opened one of those into a mesh strainer, used a spoon to break up the chunks and sifted the dry ingredients into a bowl. Voila! This will be my chicken broth base.


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