Cannabis grow lights


420 Member
Can anyone recommend some good grow lights for cannabis? I would like to harvest early.


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I think you forgot to hit the translate button. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I've had good experiences with @ViparSpectra and @VIVOSUN
But the lights aren't going to make the plants flower faster, that's down to their genetics.
What size is your grow tent?
Can anyone recommend some good grow lights for cannabis? I would like to harvest early.

“Can anyone recommend some good marijuana growth lamps? I want to harvest early.”

Ive been using a SE5000 for about 4 years now with no complaints. But I wouldn’t shop brand. I would brush up on light spectrum, daily light interval and photoperiodism in the context of cannabis before attempting to drop some serious money on the most important piece of equipment that’s needed for a grow.

With that being said, I have also found great success with GE grow lights screwed in to a clamp lamp. Pretty inexpensive, pretty effective.

The more light, the more water, the more feed you will need. But this can only go as fast as the plant can handle. Each plant is a little different and may require different approaches. Remember to also so ramp up the light intensity gradually, while also bringing down the temperature & humidity gradually. This is the fun part. Good luck!
Thank you for your experience
“Can anyone recommend some good marijuana growth lamps? I want to harvest early.”

Ive been using a SE5000 for about 4 years now with no complaints. But I wouldn’t shop brand. I would brush up on light spectrum, daily light interval and photoperiodism in the context of cannabis before attempting to drop some serious money on the most important piece of equipment that’s needed for a grow.

With that being said, I have also found great success with GE grow lights screwed in to a clamp lamp. Pretty inexpensive, pretty effective.

The more light, the more water, the more feed you will need. But this can only go as fast as the plant can handle. Each plant is a little different and may require different approaches. Remember to also so ramp up the light intensity gradually, while also bringing down the temperature & humidity gradually. This is the fun part. Good luck!
Thank you for your experience
My tent is 5*5, I wonder if it can shorten the flowering period
I don't know of any way to shorten flowering, and people have been trying for quite a long time.
The fastest way to grow is 12/12 from seed, and that's shortening the veg period.
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