Cannabis As Treatment For Epilepsy Is One Step Closer To Being OK'd

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
In the 31st International Epilepsy Congress in Istanbul, recent trials showed that cannabis may actually help in the treatment of epilepsy, but its effect doesn’t make any significant difference with other anti-epileptic drugs.

Professor Helen Cross of Great Ormond Street Hospital, London said that although cannabis may help in the treatment, its usage is still subjected to further research to evaluate its efficacy and safety.

‘We have to be particularly concerned about the effects of the drug on the developing brain in children,’ Cross said.

In order to make cannabis safer as an anti-epileptic drug, Cross led trials of a cannabis drug that doesn’t contain THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. THC, a form of cannabidiol, is the primary psychoactive component found in marijuana which is responsible of giving a ‘high feeling’ and remains illegal in United States and most countries around the world.

Named as Epidiolex, the drug tested by Cross and her team was developed by a British-based company, GW Pharmaceuticals. Initial studies of the drug has shown capabilities in reducing the incidence and gravity of seizures.

137 patients from the United States were included in the trial and were given a dose that lasts for 12 weeks. By the end of the period, about nine percent showed favorable results. Nine percent of the patients given with Epidiolex did not experience any seizure.

Using the same group, those who were diagnosed with Dravet syndrome also showed that 16 percent of the sample came out to be seizure-free.

Moreover, clinical trials in UK are still pursued as randomly controlled study is conducted at Great Ormond Street Hospital, University of Edinburgh Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Center, The Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool.

‘It is vital that we carry out further long-term safety tests into cannabidiol so that we can ensure its tolerability, sustainability and efficacy. I have been asked whether cannabis is a miracle or a fairytale. It is neither,’ Cross added.


News Moderator: Jacob Redmond 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Cannabis As Treatment For Epilepsy Is One Step Closer To Being OKd
Author: Web Staff
Contact: Contacts - Weekly Observer
Photo Credit: Reuters
Website: Weekly Observer - Newsroom
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