Cannabidiol - CBD - sold to consumers on-line. Are these scams?


New Member
I thought I came across and article which summarized cannabinoid content by the seller. I showed that most CBD purchased contained NO Cannabinoids at all. I cannot find the article. Has anyone seen this? If so please let me know. If you can post a copy of the article that would be great
I haven't seen this article but that's very interesting (for lack of a better word, also kind of shitty). My understanding was that while these products actually do contain CBD, extracting it from hemp rather than flowers from a high-cbd strain means that the process involves a lot of harsh chemicals that are probably still present to some degree in the final product. If you look at the actual mg amounts that are claimed to be in these products and compare it to what you would get from a strain that is say 10-15% CBD, you'll see it's a total rip-off anyway.

It's really sad that people are taking advantage of the growing interest in CBD and delivering a shitty product probably often to people who are legitimately sick. Hopefully soon everyone will be able to have safe access to high quality CBD medicines.
I thought I came across and article which summarized cannabinoid content by the seller. I showed that most CBD purchased contained NO Cannabinoids at all. I cannot find the article. Has anyone seen this? If so please let me know. If you can post a copy of the article that would be great

Buying CBD Oil online is risky. You'll most likely be buying hemp oil which is then marketed as CBD oil. Hemp oil is highly nutritious and is made from pressed hemp seed. Seeds contain no CBD. CBD production begins in the leaves. Sometimes the online oils contain no hemp at all and is of dubious nutritional content. Don't pay $100 to save $50 on a vial of CBD Oil online. You are gambling with your money and the odds are stacked against you.

Both hemp and high CBD marijuana can be processed the same ways to extract CBD. With hemp, just more hemp is processed than high CBD marijuana which still makes hemp CBD processing cheaper because hemp is grown in high volume.

I researched hemp CBD products a handful of years ago and decided it was better just to grow my own high CBD marijuana and hemp. I am even working on crossbreeding small hemp and high CBD marijuana strains to make a multi-purpose medicinal, food and fiber product.

You can find FDA test results for many brands of online CBD Oils here -> Warning Letters and Test Results
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