Cannabelle's Elderly Cannadog


New Member

Meet Cannadog
This is my beloved Cannadog. He is about 15 years old which, according to WEBMD roughly equates to 76 in small dog years. Cannadog is an elderly long hair chihuahua-pekingese mix with cataracts, arthritis, and digestive issues.

A couple of years ago, when I landed in the hospital for a few weeks with crippling pain and kidney issues which, Cannadog moped sadly on my leather office chair. Every time my husband came home without me, Cannadog would whimper sadly on my chair until he fell asleep.


Flash Forward 2 Years
When I started growing cannabis earlier this year to treat my crippling auto immune disorder, Cannadog has been right along side me checking the soil and leaves. He gets real excited when I open the door to the grow box room and points at the shiny green grow box. He pokes his nose in the soil to sniff out any issues and gives me a head tilt to signal that every thing is A-OK at the soil level. Sometimes, I give him one fresh leaf; and sometimes he noms one bottom leaf. He only wants one leaf. He does pick up an appetite 5-10 minutes after nomming his leaf. He has more mobility and behaves like a playful puppy now. He will beg me for peanut butter sandwich snacks and bring his toys over to me to toss.

Cannabis has helped both my dog and I gain more mobility and playfulness together.

Cannabis is a kind blessing.:green_heart:
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