Can you Safely smoke the stuff left over after making brownies?


New Member
a friend of ours made some brownies and gave us the shaky stuff that was left over. it's completely dried out for almost a month. since we aren't above using resin in times of need my question is this:

is it SAFE to smoke the shake left over?

I have searched and searched all over the internet and have not gotten an answer. it's all just guesses from both sides ranging from no... sure... don't know... absolutely yes... to heck no don't ever do it!

is it going to hurt us if we use it??????????? we are currently out and do not have ANY other way to get anything. the pain is intense and becoming unbearable but I don't want to make myself sick or hurt myself any more than I already am.
You can smoke buds, leaves or stems. None of it will hurt you. Not sure how well it will tatse. But, it should get ya high. As long as it's just dried plant material and isn't mixed with butter or anything.
Yes I just freshly made a batch of cannabutter two days ago 11/14/13 and I let the weed that was used dry out and I've been smoking that like crazy.. You may want to make sure u really, really dry it out and regrind it because it will have stems and other things depending on what you used in the butter so also after drying it out take a coffee filter and just gt any left over butter out for best use, and re dry, so that it is nice and fresh and burns properly!!!:Namaste:
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