Can you ID this bug that is no bigger than a Trichome?


New Member
This is from Fire-OG that was harvested, it has been re-vegging for about a month. I was looking at trichomes from a small bud still on the plant and this guy was chowing on an amber trichome. I need help ID-ing it. Thank you.:thanks: I got him on video, just added link below.

here he is crawling over trichomes.
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this Sunday at 9:00 PM PST the thread Noob City Grower
Looks to me like thrips, in there younger stages. Spinosad works great on thrips.
I have used Monterey Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad and Monterey All Natural 3 in 1 Garden Insect Spray to kill spider mites and thrips. I add 3-5 drops per gallon of Ivory Liquid Soap as a surfactant to help the spray stick to leaves and stems better. I spray every 3 days alternating the 2 Monterey products for 2 weeks to kill adults and larvae as they hatch. Sierra Natural Sciences also makes 2 products to kill spider mites and thrips SNS-217C Concentrate and SNS-209 Systemic Insect Control. Monterey Garden Insect Spray All Natural 3 in 1 Garden Insect Spray natural pesticides sns-217c natural pesticides sns-209
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