Can someone please tell me how much to use. Ugh!


New Member
Can someone please tell me the correct mixtures. ok it says to mix 5ml with a gallon of water. Now you have your mixture. When you go to feed how much of that mixture do you give to her. Simple question i am sure but please when i use the nutes they always end up burnt even when i am using 1/2 strength any help will be appreciated! :adore:
Re: Can someone please tell nme how much to use UGH!

Intill liquid dribbles from drainage holes at base of pot, you only need a little bit of drain off/dribble so to speak.

A pot becomes heavy to feel the weight of once watered & naturally lighter once water has evapourated a few days later (water abosrbation/evapouration may change due to plant stage of growth and temperature of grow room)etc...

Get a feel for the weight of your pots when watered and dry as to know when is the best/optimal time to give a lil drink 'n' feed.
Hi again Twinkie,

Here's the thing. If you're using soil from a package, say, Roots Organic or Fox Farms Ocean Forest or anything else, they come with enough nutrients to last at least a couple weeks. Probably more depending on lots of factors like root growth.

So, check it out.....if there are 100% all the nutes you need already in the dirt and you add more.....nute burn!!

Water with plain PH'ed water for a while and notice the difference. You'll know when to start your nute routine because your plants will tell you. They'll very slowly look like they could use some food, kinda like you know damn well when a kid has to piss, hard to explain, easy to see.

Yes I know i use fox farms ocean forest blend is hot so u dont add anything for about a month. It has everything your plant needs. Then u start using nutes. I am using reverse osmosis purified h2o when i water them.

What I cant seem to get accross is how much of the mixtures do u use. I know the mixtures on the side lets say mix 5ml with gallon od water. You now have your mixture. Now you have several different nutes how much of each do u use. Say it takes a gallon of water to feed. How much of each different nute do you use to make up my gallon.
Well right now its been H2o and a couple of doses of a salmon based organic fertilize. But the spots appeared before any nutes were given just the ff soil and water. Thats what is so weird.
Without knowing what that is, I'm going out on a limb and saying you may have a cal/mag deficiency. We need pics to confirm.

R/O water contains no cal/mag. You are probably experiencing a deficiency rather than a burn. Depending on the quality of your tap water, you may be better off using it until you can get the supplements you need.

The devil's in the details. The more you can provide from the git-go, the better advice you'll get from growers here.
Yea its a salmon based fertilizer :morenutes: Made by a buddy of mine, he owns a hydroponics shop. He is really into plants and stuff. I like it when they r young because it has live cultures making war in my soil and it creates the healthiest root system i have ever seen.

I am going to appeal again and ask this question again can someone please tell me how to mix my nutes up. I know how to make the concentrate. What I cant get right is the amount of nutes to give. Its driving me nuts and it seems to be a question that no one else seems to know the answer to. For example today i had to feed. I had three different things that had to be mixed together cal/mag, a blooming micro nute and still some grow. How much of each do i mix. What I did was put in 3/4 water and equal parts of cal/mag, micro nute & grow nute. I have no idea if that is a good mixture but i do have a problem just about everytime i use nutes i get some burn. So obviously what i have done before is not correct. Can anyone please answer this qiestion. :thanks:
Your main question cannot be answered, bro. We have no idea how concentrated your nutes are or even what they are with the possible exception of the cal/mag.

You talk about salmon based nutes, then you mention a blooming micro and a grow nute. We can only guess if these are the salmon based nutes you talk about.

The Answer: It is not how much you water your plants that has anything to do with your problem. IT IS THE MIXTURE.

Water them until you have a dribble of run-off or water them until you have 20 gallons of run-off. It doesn't matter one bit. It is the mixture you're watering with that matters.

You're getting burn.

Back off the nutes, whatever they are. Not sure what else to say on the information you provide. Don't make the mixture so strong, but don't think watering with a half gallon, whole gallon, or ten gallons makes a difference. It does not.

Borrow a PPM meter from your bud at the hydro shop. That, ultimately, will tell you what strength your mixing at and at least that would be a start.
It sounds like a HIGH N mixture. Especially is some sort of fish-emulsion base. Maybe get a base by looking at the fish-emulsion powders and see what they suggest to add. then extrapolate.
Sorry about being confussing, I planted them in Fox Farms ocean forest blend. During the first 30 days after i transplanted them into the 5 gallon pots. During the first thrity days i fed it water and 2 times with salmon based tea to help the root system take hold. It makes a very good rootball. After 30 days I started using the salmon based tea plus advanced nutrients grow nute never at same time. I never use full strength. I never feed with nutes without at least one fedding of water in between. I just got in the blue planet nutes and I used the crazy growth schedule. I am beginning to believe its my water. I will be watering full time with R.O. water. No more back and forth between well water and thr ro water. But in my first grow i had similar problems that never completely came back even though I just gave it water the last month before hrvest. Never used anymore nutes just the well water. So now that i have a setup for the RO water it will be consistant.
You're not alone Twinkie..This is my second grow and I am using BPN nutes with FF soil as well. I have had the same question as you. I guess its gonna be a lot of trial and error. But I have subbed this so I will be paying close attention. So anything you find out please share.
If you are getting a little burn with bpn then i would back off to half recomended strength. If that doesnt work I would back down 2/3 of recomended mixtures. And make sure you feed every two feedings of water for the next week or so then go back to feeding schedule. If you dont have a copy of that go to Blue Planet Nutrients and click on the organic feed schedule, it gives you the feeding chart. also corey a sponsor on this site will answer any questions you have. It has been a lot of trail and error. But if you want to use nutes in the future i wouldnt use ff ocean forest blend. I would ask the nursery for something that just has the beginning needs of your plant or no nutes at all. I am beginning to believe you could go from beginning to end with just the soil and you would do fine. I like giving it what it needs so i am reusing my old soil so there are no nutes in it. But reusing the soil has to be good you have all those roots and stuff in there. as long as you test it and it is good soil. have a good one!! :hookah:
Without flushing the salmon nutes might be raising the ppm to an extreme. and then there is the tds buildup.

Check the npk ratio of your nutes for tsp per gallon.
Rough ppm calc

(n * 10)/ .768 +
(p * 10)/ .768 +
(k * 10)/ .768 +

Plus say 25-50 ppm for micro nutes and then the add in the ppm of your water.

So you could potentially be overdoing the ppm into toxicity. Maybe.....

Good luck.
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