Can some give me an Idea of whats going on here


Well-Known Member
Plant is a photo on 12 - 12
PH 6.4 - 6.8
PH Perfect nutes ppm last feed was 500
Plant was doing fine then all of a sudden it looks like its dying
Temp is like 78 - 82 humidity like 60 %
Thanks for any info you can offer ... I hate it when this happens late in a grow and you have no clue WTF
and yes i know it has some light burn but is seem to have something more serious going on..




Idk. Im having the same thing same leaf color going on in my grow right now. But it's because I accidently triple dosed tiger bloom to the jugs and didn't realize it til too late. I'm hoping it'll just grow away with time. Do the best to not create more damage ya dig
looks like a potassium deficiency and a bit of over watering.

just my thoughts
Late stages of potassium deficiency was also my first thought but it's hard to know without more information and pictures of the entire plant. Potassium is a mobile nutrient. It should start at the base of the plant and move up. I would try to stay closer to the 6.4 ph range to prevent lockout. Check your runoff also. During early Potassium defficenty leaf tips will point down starting at the lower branches, they will darken, then move around the edges and the top during the later stage. Could also be from overfertiization as someone stated previously. Without additional pictures and information it is hard to say for sure. Goodluck !
Late stages of potassium deficiency was also my first thought but it's hard to know without more information and pictures of the entire plant. Potassium is a mobile nutrient. It should start at the base of the plant and move up. I would try to stay closer to the 6.4 ph range to prevent lockout. Check your runoff also. During early Potassium defficenty leaf tips will point down starting at the lower branches, they will darken, then move around the edges and the top during the later stage. Could also be from overfertiization as someone stated previously. Without additional pictures and information it is hard to say for sure. Goodluck !
The Plant ... Or should say what was the Plant before it keeled over


500ppm isn't enough for a flowering plant. She's hungry.
Depends on how much light she is receiving.. a plant that's underfed in light is quickly overfed with nutes as she can't be active enough to move what you give her.

I mean kudos for the improvised setup but yeah light is surely an issue? looks like most of the plant isn't getting any.
What are you using?
If she's not getting enough light she can't do her work properly.
You got the light way up there and grew a very long plant only the top is getting any flux worthwhile all the rest is starving.

Don't let the plant grow long like that, top & bend to keep everything similar.
Put some netting in that frame and learn to scrog a plant short, keep all the buds the same height in the same plane with the light parked over it. Fastest way to nice results to smoke.

Is it some very long sativa strain? or did you have the light up there all the time and let her go reach for it when growing?
As you kinda want to be able to move the light with the plant as it's growing always keeping the growth in the ideal range as otherwise she's gonna stretch to try to get there.
its been in the same soil for a month and a half why now All of a sudden
Peat based soil mixes are all amended with lime to buffer pH to about 6.5-7.0. After a couple of weeks or months you're left with a medium without much buffer left and you often need to pH compensate depending on the plant food on the higher side. I often ended up feeding pH ~8.0 in late flower growing in peat with GH and Dyna Gro.

Get the plants on saucers to not let them sit in stagnant runoff water. How often do you feed? With salt based foods I often recommend to add another feeding instead of increasing the nutrient strength. With about 20% perlite it's almost impossible to over water if you follow proper guidelines and recommendations. I fed 2-3 times daily growing in peat and 6 times a day in Coco Coir.

I see very little if any airflow or fans in the bottom off the pots? A pot that's not completely full sitting in runoff in a bathtub is a recipe for disaster. You need better airflow at the base stem level to keep nasties away.

500ppm doesn't sound like much, but you could still have a build up of salts in the pots
Apart from what looks like heat stress at the top, the roots are not happy
Either over-watering, or salts in the root zone, or both

My experience of pH Perfect was anything but perfect - I stopped using it after about 6 weeks
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