Can Marijuana Save the 12th Grade in Utah?


420 Member
Utah's lawmakers are getting a little desperate in their search to alleviate the state's $700 million budget shortfall.

One in particular, state Sen. Chris Buttars, is now proposing that Utah cut costs by eliminating the 12th grade, or at least giving students the option of skipping their senior year of high school.

Well, I have a better idea for how Utah could bring in new revenue and keep kids in the classroom at the same time.

If Utah really wants to rake in the big bucks, the state should tax and regulate marijuana, the nation's largest cash crop.

Doing so would produce untold millions in new tax revenue and save millions more in reduced law enforcement costs.

Marijuana is already pervasive in our society, and right now the only people making a profit from it are criminal drug dealers.

Sure, the idea might seem extreme for some in Utah, but is it any more crazy than sacrificing the education of the state's young people?

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Source: Opposing Views / Marijuana Policy Project
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Website:Opposing Views: Can Marijuana Save the 12th Grade in Utah?
You would wonder if law makers even went to school themselves let alone whether they could find their asses with their two hands.
I think we should stop making them and police associations having to get frontal lobotomies before getting their jobs.
As I went to HS in Utah I know it is predominately Mormon. Many of the girls are married and pregnant by their senior year in HS. If 12th grade were eliminated they could start having babies sooner as their religion encourages. If they want to save the 12th grade perhaps the politicians should take a cut in pay. It isn't easy to get booze in Utah so I don't see them legalizing marijuana. In Utah beer is 3.4. Here in California most beer is 4.0. Guess it is okay with Utah to have their future leaders lacking in education.
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