Can i use Humboldt Honey Hydro Carbs during veg?


New Member
i currently have a plant on day 12. Shes doing really good with the FloraDuo A and B that i got but was wondering when i should add my humboldt honey. I just bought it and didnt want to put it in with out knowing if it would be safe during veg mode. Im growing hydro not in soil so i made sure i got the one made just for hydro. Thanks guys:thanks::thanks:
Re: Can i use Humboldt Honey Hydro Carbs during veg??

there will be instructions on the packaging, dude, what does it say on there about application? usually, there will be two sets of instructions, one for soil, one for hydro. if one or the other is not there, then a guess would be that the one that is missing is the one that is not intended for. but I'm only guessing as I haven't got the product to hand to check, bro :peace:
Re: Can i use Humboldt Honey Hydro Carbs during veg??

ok im looking at it now and it says

Directions for use
Application rates:

hydroponics application- use 1-5ml per gallon of rez water. Change nutrient solution weekly to advoid excess sediment
general application- use 5-10ml per gallon of water every 1-2 weeks
foliar application- use 1-5ml per gallon of finished spray solution

thats all its says. This one is only for hydro but it doesnt say when to add it so idk im guessing if i couldnt use it during veg it would say so but i dont wanna kill it maybe ill just do 5ml for the whole 5 gallon rez and see if that has any negative effects what do you think??

and thats the directions word for word on the label

Re: Can i use Humboldt Honey Hydro Carbs during veg??

Ok i looked it up and it sounds like you can use it during veg but its most helpful with the buds. It helps the plant get its nutes like you said and keeps it healthy. Now my other question lol. Should i add it now? or wait a another few days untill i do my rez change and just mix it in with my current nute line up??:tokin::tokin::tokin:
Re: Can i use Humboldt Honey Hydro Carbs during veg??

Thats what ima do then. Hopefully it works out do you have any exp with humboldt honey or any other carbs in hydro??
Re: Can i use Humboldt Honey Hydro Carbs during veg??

I use humboldt nutes I use micro and bloom in veg like a Lucas formula, But then I use Mykos extreme gardening on powder form which would be similar to your Honey it's just another beneficial bacteria.
When I go to flower I use humboldts master A an B and I stop using the Mykos on the 3rd week of flowering been working pretty good my girls are in there 2nd week 12/12 they look happy
Those plants are a thing of beauty :) :) looking awesome. I use Floraduo as my base nutrients and thats all so far. I picked those because im new to growing and when i was looking for nutes i came across the Floraduo and what sold me was that it says it has everything my plant will need in only two bottles. i had got the honey from a friend and he told me to throw some in. What are some other good nutes that wont murder my wallet? And thanks alot for the advice!! this site is awesome lol
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