Can i still grow?


New Member
i have two plants that i just put outside and i used fluoros on them for 2 and a half weeks and they are a foot tall each and i was wondering if i might still be able to flower them and hopefully get a harvest???? and they have very good conditions by the way
Re: can i still grow???

thx but im not trying to get a whole big harvest just enough and also trying to get exp. for my next grow when i will be growing blueberry and also cloning should be a great grow and thx for ur advice but i cant keep them inside since my grow room is no insufficient plus i have been very busy and once my new grow room is ready i will have a grow journal
Re: can i still grow???

InYourEndo said:
they may not be mature enough yet to start flowering and finish b4 the first frost.

If you lived in Florida would it still be ok to grow outdoors but for the hell of it? Would the plants die, or would they at least grow and bud a little bit? Last year it didn't really get cold until late December I think.
Re: can i still grow???

If you live in flordia you might be able to pull it off...better get them in quick though...its worth a try for the hell of it
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