Can I increase lower bud size?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I’m growing a Barneys Farm blueberry OG in coco under a 400w LED.
I’m at about Week 11 now.
The lower 2/3rds of the main flowering stems seem to have quite a bit of empty space between the buds, is there anything I can do to fatten them up?
Yeah mate you can trim the leaves to let light further down, or you can tie them out to the side a bit. Blurple LEDs don't have great penetration so it's generally best to grow them flat and wide, cutting away most of the undergrowth as you go.
You can also do a partial harvest. That means cutting the finished bits at the top and leaving the rest of the plant to mature a bit more. They won't go full curvy from it but will certainly get a bit more lady like :)

What sort of lights you got by the way? Are they actual 400s or advertised as 400?
Ooh shit haha just spotted what you've got! That's a monster strain mate. One of the most agressive growers known to man. One that will take as much punishment as you can give them if you hit them hard enough from the get go so even if they are 400w draw lights then get some more for next time lol

(Edit) oops, was the BCN XXL in your sig I was referring to mate. What was the smoke like? Got a pack I've been saving for a special occasion :)
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