Can I grow outside in the day and under a led at night?


420 Member
Hi everyone

So... I'm growing a small auto flower, she's tiny lol, growing in my back garden in a pot, she's flowering really nicely, but it's been really grim and cloudy weather, so I was thinking to supplement the dore sunlight situation I'm having, can I whack her under a 50w 8000 lumen LED of a night time, seeing as autos don't rely on a light cycle, or will this stress it out to much?
So autos can still have light stress especially changing drastic lighting scenarios. There is such huge change between the real sunlight and the supplemental light that you have currently. what is your current lighting schedule?

My last auto run I started at 18/6 but by the end I was closer to 20/4.

But I want switching the light source.

Being this late in the game you might be better off just leaving the light on longer inside, or leaving it outside for stronger light. And auto's going to do what an auto's going to do.
I don't have a schedule, she's my back garden 24/7 getting natural sun light, so I suppose from about 04.30am to 9pm the sun is out, but that's not direct sunlight ( when we actually have sun ) I'd say about 9 hours direct light. Then it's shadey, but the past week it's been cloudy and rain. Just want the best finish possible but don't want to stress her to much into Hermie, here's what I was thinking of doing...

Keep her outside untill around 3pm, bring her under the LED for about 6 hours, then back into the garden untill 3pm the next day then bring her in to the LED again, and do this repeatedly untill harvest time 🤣

Sorry people my last 2 grows were stolen and I'm desperate to finish this as best can be. Uk weather is no good 🤣
Hi everyone

So... I'm growing a small auto flower, she's tiny lol, growing in my back garden in a pot, she's flowering really nicely, but it's been really grim and cloudy weather, so I was thinking to supplement the dore sunlight situation I'm having, can I whack her under a 50w 8000 lumen LED of a night time, seeing as autos don't rely on a light cycle, or will this stress it out to much?
Beautiful lady. :welldone:
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
20 hours of light and 4 hours of darkness is the recommended schedule for autos.
So yes you can move it back and forth.
Watch for bugs.
If you want to say Hi and meet everyone here is a link
Happy Growing.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Beautiful lady. :welldone:
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
20 hours of light and 4 hours of darkness is the recommended schedule for autos.
So yes you can move it back and forth.
Watch for bugs.
If you want to say Hi and meet everyone here is a link
Happy Growing.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Wicked man thanks for the advice, yeh I will get round to that shortly just preparing the big speech 🤣
What week would you say she is into flowering?

That's a bit of a toughie cos I don't know what it is
Not a lot of pistils but frosting up already - at a guess I'd say around week 5-6
Hi everyone

So... I'm growing a small auto flower, she's tiny lol, growing in my back garden in a pot, she's flowering really nicely, but it's been really grim and cloudy weather, so I was thinking to supplement the dore sunlight situation I'm having, can I whack her under a 50w 8000 lumen LED of a night time, seeing as autos don't rely on a light cycle, or will this stress it out to much?
Just cuz it's cloudy doesn't stop the sunlight. The UV index is at play when you grow outside too. As well as I keep an eye out on the dew point to that of the humidity. Just be aware that autos are sensitive to the change of light variants. It can shock your baby into herming.
Just cuz it's cloudy doesn't stop the sunlight. The UV index is at play when you grow outside too. As well as I keep an eye out on the dew point to that of the humidity. Just be aware that autos are sensitive to the change of light variants. It can shock your baby into herming.
Hey Jiggi - loads of growers say autos are sensitive but that's not my experience with them, I fuck them about left right and center but they always just do their thing regardless
Hey Jiggi - loads of growers say autos are sensitive but that's not my experience with them, I fuck them about left right and center but they always just do their thing regardless
Your auto growing puts my autos to shame for sure 🙏 😇
I don't know what the UK weather is like, I know in pics everyone's always wearing coats and it's always cloudy out lol
I just found out that Thanksgiving is only an American thing!? Whodathunk 🤔

Trust Roy Growing, he knows what he's doing. I myself am still learning the do’s and don't's of auto growing.
I'm using biobizz bio bloom for the feed, gonna give it some mollasses in a week, yeh man that's what I was hoping for 14g so anything above that will defo be a bonus!
I'd rather have 1/2oz of superb smoke than a bin bag full of mediocre weed - been there and didn't enjoy the scenery
BB I use 3ml gro/1ml bloom through veg, then 3ml Bloom/1ml gro through flower
If you have any Alga too, it's a great growth stimulant
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