California Should Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
Once again, California voters will decide whether to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. They have previously rejected initiatives to do this, but while this year's Proposition 64 isn't perfect, it is a much more thoughtful proposal. It's time to say yes.

Prop. 64 would allow adults 21 years or older to use pot, grow up to six plants in their homes and possess about an ounce of marijuana and about a quarter ounce of hash. The details piggyback on the regulatory framework for medicinal use that state lawmakers finally developed last year.

Rules prohibiting public tobacco smoking would apply to pot, and driving under the influence of marijuana would still be banned, although that element still needs refinement. The initiative has no objective DUI blood-test standard for marijuana comparable to the .08 percent level for alcohol. But that's a science problem. There's currently no threshold for THC, the active ingredient, that reliably indicates impairment.

Prop. 64 would regulate marijuana businesses, give cities and counties control over their location, levy taxes on pot production and sales and penalize those who operate without licenses. The Legislature likely will tweak the rules as needed. Fortunately, Prop. 64 permits this - a smart element of flexibility that more initiatives should include.

Current law lags behind societal norms. Forty-four percent of Americans polled last year told Gallup they had tried pot. Even the current and past two presidents toked, although Bill Clinton infamously claimed he didn't inhale.

Our police, judges and jailers have bigger issues than pot-smokers.

We would have preferred uniform federal rules legalizing marijuana, but there's no sign of that. So once again, the states must lead. In 1996, California voters were the nation's first to legalize medicinal use. Today, half the states permit it.

In 2010, 53.5 percent of California voters rejected a recreational use initiative. We recommended against it because it was poorly drafted. Since then four other states and the District of Columbia have led the way. California can learn from them.

Opponents suggest Prop. 64 would open the airwaves to pot ads, since restrictions would be similar to those for alcohol. But an outright broadcast ad ban like the one for tobacco is unlikely to withstand a court challenge.

Opponents also note that a prior drug conviction can't be the sole grounds for rejecting a license for cultivation or sale of pot. But that's because the law acknowledges people have been ensnared by overly punitive drug laws. The state could still deny licenses to people convicted of crimes such as trafficking and would retain discretion for others.

Opponents will continue to pick holes in Prop. 64, but it is generally solid - and long-overdue. Vote yes this time.


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: California Should Legalize Recreational Marijuana
Author: Mercury News Editorial
Contact: Mercury News
Photo Credit: David McNew
Website: Mercury News
In this statement is why you should NOT vote for Prop 64 :prop. 64 would regulate marijuana businesses, give cities and counties control over their location . Very good, my town has banned growing pot altogether , since you've given them the right to do so, medical or not.
You aren't helping anything we don't already have trouble with by make recreational legal . You have to have a half a acher or mpre to grow 6 plants , you have a half acher in your yard , do most people ?
yYu are adding regulations that are not fare by trying to push through Prop 64 .
When you can get the towns out of the picture and have them abide by the law of Calif. , they can not ban anything and grows can be done in yards period, not a 1/2 acher or NO GROW !
Don't tell me this new law will change all that or I'll start posting law to back up all that I say . That's easy for me to do .
You are very wrong.
Until you don't interfear with my rights as a medical user with rights of a medical user , just so you THINK you can grow 6 plants and smoke your pot FREELY , how blind can you be. Like I siad, if you want to challange me on this I will post law and prove you wrong . Marksurfs .........
Once again, California voters will decide whether to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. They have previously rejected initiatives to do this, but while this year's Proposition 64 isn't perfect, it is a much more thoughtful proposal. It's time to say yes.

Prop. 64 would allow adults 21 years or older to use pot, grow up to six plants in their homes and possess about an ounce of marijuana and about a quarter ounce of hash. The details piggyback on the regulatory framework for medicinal use that state lawmakers finally developed last year.

Rules prohibiting public tobacco smoking would apply to pot, and driving under the influence of marijuana would still be banned, although that element still needs refinement. The initiative has no objective DUI blood-test standard for marijuana comparable to the .08 percent level for alcohol. But that's a science problem. There's currently no threshold for THC, the active ingredient, that reliably indicates impairment.

Prop. 64 would regulate marijuana businesses, give cities and counties control over their location, levy taxes on pot production and sales and penalize those who operate without licenses. The Legislature likely will tweak the rules as needed. Fortunately, Prop. 64 permits this - a smart element of flexibility that more initiatives should include.

Current law lags behind societal norms. Forty-four percent of Americans polled last year told Gallup they had tried pot. Even the current and past two presidents toked, although Bill Clinton infamously claimed he didn't inhale.

Our police, judges and jailers have bigger issues than pot-smokers.

We would have preferred uniform federal rules legalizing marijuana, but there's no sign of that. So once again, the states must lead. In 1996, California voters were the nation's first to legalize medicinal use. Today, half the states permit it.

In 2010, 53.5 percent of California voters rejected a recreational use initiative. We recommended against it because it was poorly drafted. Since then four other states and the District of Columbia have led the way. California can learn from them.

Opponents suggest Prop. 64 would open the airwaves to pot ads, since restrictions would be similar to those for alcohol. But an outright broadcast ad ban like the one for tobacco is unlikely to withstand a court challenge.

Opponents also note that a prior drug conviction can't be the sole grounds for rejecting a license for cultivation or sale of pot. But that's because the law acknowledges people have been ensnared by overly punitive drug laws. The state could still deny licenses to people convicted of crimes such as trafficking and would retain discretion for others.

Opponents will continue to pick holes in Prop. 64, but it is generally solid - and long-overdue. Vote yes this time.


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: California Should Legalize Recreational Marijuana
Author: Mercury News Editorial
Contact: Mercury News
Photo Credit: David McNew
Website: Mercury News
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