Cal.+Mag. or Cal.+Sulphur after week 5 of flower?

Hello all,
I saw a chart, not sure who created it or exactly where it was I saw it, but on the chart I saw, they said that the 1st 5 weeks of flower Cal.+Mag. was needed then weeks 6 through harvest the plant needs Cal.+Sulphur.
Is this something any of you do or recommend?
I am presently at day 32 in flower and just wondering if this will be beneficial to do:love:

Thank you in advance
Wow good question...the total BS I read online about growing never ceases to amaze me.

All 3 of those minerals are generally found in most tap water. Most soil growers do not need to add any of that because they don't filter their water and enough is just there. Many nute programs have that included. AN base nutes program has that included. It is part of what makes it so stupid simple to use.

All 3 of those can be easily overdosed too. You have to know what deficiency looks like and respond.

My recommendation for a soil grow is at about 2 weeks after your second set of leaves you add a moderate dose of Cal Mag. Not too strong especially if you make a decent soil. Do not use it at all if you are using something like AN Ph Perfect that has it already in there...who uses Ph perfect in soil though?

Then you could dose again 12 weeks after light change but be careful. Chances are you are dumping in a lot of stuff at that point an again if you are using a good Hydro blend in soil you may not need any at all.

I do realize that all three of those elements are in tap water though depending on if your water is hard or soft water, that is what determines how much of these trace elements are available. Hard water being more elements and soft having less. I also believe that while I see Cal.Mag. constantly suggested for treatment, I am not 100% sure that both elements are needed since many times it is only one of those elements that is deficient and by adding both you are creating a toxicity of the other.
As for the total BS you read about growing, I feel much the same way though not being a scientist I try to use my own thought process to decide what I think is BS and what is actually usable information. As for the perfect soil, even a great soil will only have a set amount of available nutrients in the pot you put it in. At some point the available nutrients will fall below the needed nutrients of the plant.

Not really sure where you were going with the 2nd set of leaves part but oh well.
I figured it would be a small amount of each of those trace elements, after all that is why they are called trace elements. I just was not sure if sulphur was all that import of a trace element to get denser buds. In short if you have low sulphur due to soft water will the buds be less dense that if you had hard water with more sulphur in the water in trace amounts. If nothing else was different and all things equal, will harder water at this point of the grow, grow more dense buds then softer water.
The second set of leaves is just a basic rule of thumb. Basically a seed will get to that tall without any help at all. Giving it much of anything before that is bad. at that point if you add some cal mag don't do it again until you think you see a problem. That's all...

If you are in soil you really don't need to add jack for a while if you do your homework. I have gone all the way through veg with just water every 3 days many times. I use large pots with heavy perlite % so I can get away with that.

It is much easier to add stuff to a hungry deficient plant then to flush out a burnt plant.

In reality it all comes down to the chemistry your grow room is accommodating. If your room is cold then the chemistry is happening slower. If it is too hot the plant is stressing and not working great.

So I always just recommend to understand what deficiencies look like and run lightly. This stuff is very robust. It doesn't need a ton of nutes. you will be much happier with some restraint and patients.
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