CA: Cannabis Business Council Vies To Regulate Marijuana In 'Smart, Fair' Way

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
Marijuana is serious business.

It's not just that sketchy brown bag handed off under a high school lunch table (à la every '90s after-school special ever) anymore - it's a legitimate market, and local businesspeople are ready to start treating it that way. On Nov. 7, cannabis farmers and business owners launched the Cannabis Business Council of Santa Barbara County, which aims to achieve "smart, fair local cannabis regulations," according to a press release from the council.

This is a big step forward for marijuana growers looking for some legitimacy in Santa Barbara County, which banned any new cultivation of medical marijuana back in January.

The council calls itself an education and advocacy group. Council Interim Chair Paul Kowalski said in the press release that the organization will work with county residents as well as municipal and county representatives to decide how to regulate the local cannabis industry.

"We're committed to working with the community to create cannabis regulations that honor Santa Barbara [county's] agricultural history, support good jobs and economic development, and promote public safety and compliance with the law," Kowalski said in the release.

The Cannabis Business Council plans to hold public meetings with elected officials, policy makers, marijuana stakeholders, and community members to keep the regulation process transparent. It also aims to spark conversation about fair labor practices, land and water use, environmental protection, and integration with local communities among cannabis businesses.


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Cannabis Business Council Vies To Regulate Marijuana In 'Smart, Fair' Way
Author: Brenna Swanston
Contact: 805-347-1968
Photo Credit: Glen Stubbe
Website: The Sun
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