CA Ballot Initiative Catalyzes National Debate on Marijuana Prohibition

Trying to get people to stop consuming cannabis has been central to our nation's "war on drugs" for decades. This war has cost the country billions, if not trillions, of dollars. Most important, it is an abject failure. Yet the policy has been in place for so long that it has simply become part of the status quo. It's just accepted, part of the way things are.

That is, until California put an initiative on its November ballot to legalize, regulate and tax cannabis. Now the issue is getting real attention from politicians, news organizations and regular people. NPR today started its week-long series, "The New Marijuana." Via NPR:

What happens in the Golden State this year could have a big impact on the rest of the country. If California decides to make all marijuana legal and starts reaping tax revenue, other states may be tempted to follow, as they have before.

But then, what will the federal government do? Pot remains an illegal drug under federal law. The Justice Department, under the Obama Administration, in most cases has no desire to go after medical marijuana. But it's highly doubtful that recreational pot will get the same free pass from the feds.

The decision to devote a week to the issue of marijuana comes in the wake of a much-publicized AP story that analyzed the last 40 years of our war on drugs and found it to be a failure. decided to create a special report series, "Marijuana Nation." There has also been a host of new polling on the issue of legalization, not just in California but nationally and in several Western states.

The California ballot initiative has served as a catalyst, bringing the issue of our drug policies to the forefront and significantly increasing news coverage. This is our moment as a country to re-examine our failed marijuana prohibition and have an honest debate about it.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: FDL
Author: Jon Walker
Contact: FDL
Copyright: 2010 FDL
Website: CA Ballot Initiative Catalyzes National Debate on Marijuana Prohibition

* Thanks to MedicalNeed for submitting this article
The other day I went to a pizza place on main street to grab some lunch.. while I was waiting for my food, a fellow walked in who seems to have been good friends with the shop owner who greeted him as you would greet a long time friend.

The conversation that followed left me thinking. The shop owner seems to have been having a bad day and was somewhat stressed out. So he starts telling the fellow that walked in how this world is going to $#:+ and so on. Rambling. But one choice phrase stuck to my mind.

"... you see what this is coming to? They are going to legalize pot but they come after me for taxes! Unbelievable!"

Now, I don't know why this man thought that marijuana legalization had something to do with the IRS coming after him for unpaid taxes. In his mind they seemed to be related. But the utter irrationality of his rambling made me think... holy crap? Is this how screwed up the prohibitionist's thought process is? Wow!

To think that some people base their fervor for continuing to make MJ illegal on the craziest and most irrational of reasons. Its just amazing. This guy sounded like the type who would end up on the news for taking out his wife or something. He is the kind of person who could most use a nice fatty!

But no, he drinks instead. Skips taxes and blames the "pot-heads" for all his troubles.

A candid example of the Prohibitionists true motives.

Ignorance and hate.

The other day I went to a pizza place on main street to grab some lunch.. while I was waiting for my food, a fellow walked in who seems to have been good friends with the shop owner who greeted him as you would greet a long time friend.

The conversation that followed left me thinking. The shop owner seems to have been having a bad day and was somewhat stressed out. So he starts telling the fellow that walked in how this world is going to $#:+ and so on. Rambling. But one choice phrase stuck to my mind.

"... you see what this is coming to? They are going to legalize pot but they come after me for taxes! Unbelievable!"

So did you politely inform him of the projected potential tax revenue from the cannabis industry? If so, he might well vote for legalization - sounds like he's already affected by the issue (he just didn't know it when he spoke).
Not to mension that if your are caught and get arrested being the 18-20 crowd... you will loose all financial aid for school... just fill out a fasfa and you will know this and if your are looking for foodstamps and cash aid to help get you on your feet... again you will be assed out. Also this bill will not release those who are in jail for weed and will continue to fill our prisons with our youth for non violent offenses.. However oaksterdam's classes will be filled to the brim with those looking to grow weed.

Yes your are right it is all about ignorance, greed and hate....LOL
TS: I am ashamed to admit that I did not jump on him for that even though I was tempted to do so. I could be wrong, but I don't think the guy was interested in common sense.
Not to mension that if your are caught and get arrested being the 18-20 crowd... you will loose all financial aid for school... just fill out a fasfa and you will know this and if your are looking for foodstamps and cash aid to help get you on your feet... again you will be assed out.

Isn't that how the law is already? The initiative isn't perfect and doesn't fix everything but come on how is it not better then what we have now?
Those are the kind of people that it's fun to get all fired up. Open your mouth and start spewing - get them to agree with every point you're making (with the "they're taking all MY money (/taxes) while those hippies get away with..." crowd it's easy, lol). "Are we going to take this kind of treatment lying down?" And then when they're foaming at the mouth and agreeing with every thing you say, throw in, "Absolutely NOT! Vote for this issue - make those hippies pay tax just like the rest of us..." lines. Half the time or better they'll say, "Yeah!" without even catching exactly what you just said. With luck, one of two things (or both) will happen: Either the guy will realize what he just said and figure out that it really is a very valid point (to him personally, as a dissatisfied taxpayer, say)... Or the crowd that gathered to watch a good ruckus walks away going, "Hmm..."

When you're surrounded by sheep, become a shepherd - or at least a sheepdog, lol. I don't think sheepdogs ever die from stress-related illnesses - they've got too many opportunities to vent it off.
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