Buy vs grow?


New Member
so many shops opening up and states being legalized would it be cheeper to buy vs grow?

so I'm thinking of moving to denver where things are legal.. and I was wonder to grow or buy??

o for 99

closet grow - 500 + labor
electricty bill - 15
water 10

and with time i think ounces will possibly drop even lower
grow your own!
the initial cost is the biggest one. and once established the cost will be either lower or comparable to what you can buy.
most importantly is you can control and have the piece of mind of how its grown and what chemicals are added or at least know if it is grown organically not to mention you will get the satisfaction of it being your own stuff
once you have found a strain that suits you, you can be sure its available at anytime. just my 2cents:).
its a catch 22.. personally i smoke between 1.5 to 2 zips a week.. so figure 1/2 pound a month. say even if i produced 5 pounds every 4 months .. way more then i need right... i would still be buying bags here and there or at least trading.. i know i can not smoke the same strain every day. i feel as if i stop getting high.. so i keep 3 diffrent strains at any giving time.. this way i dont get used to just one.. so its something to take into concideration..
Starting to grow my own now bro, from buying MMJ for the past 7 years. Like stated above the initial start up cost will be extensive, but you still can buy noname merch and still get a decent yield. With yourself growing your own product, you know what went into the bud and how much love you put into creating your medicine. You never know how many hands that nug your about to smoke has been through, dropped on the ground? Smelly hobo pimp jacked your boy and then got chased down snagged it back and sold it too you. Possibilities are endless LOL. Whose to say someone would think its funny to lace your bud before they gave it to you.

All in all most of the stuff I said isn't too along the lines of a price comparison to growing and buying your meds, but it should steer ya in the right direction! Goodluck brotha :peace:
Cheaper to grow your own & qualitie is often better :thumb:

Where i'm from qualitie can be on the poor side & you rarely get the weight ya paying for... border line being ripped off most of the time.

So my monthly smoke of an oz would cost between £260 to £300 of the street by growing my own its some where between £30 to £50 a month once electric, nutrients, soil etc is factored into over all cost... so ye i'm better off :love:

The initial investment takes a few grows to pay off tho depending on equipment purchased, trial 'n' error of the first time grower which may effect ya first yields.

Once ya learnt about the strain ya growing you can dial in your method to grow it to its best potential & this takes a few grows to learn ya girlies ways & how she responds :thumb:

I would also be inclined to look at perpetual growing styles aka vegging a crop whilst flowering another, rinse & repeat.

I maintain harvest every 2 months from this method which supports my own needs & can be elaborated on to accomendate mutliply strains & harvesting every month... but would suggest keeping mother plants to do so successfully !
I'm going to say there are two issues: 1. the start up costs. you don't have to have the expensive stuff, but it might help to insure a good crop.

2. the risk of failure. Not all crops come thru, but you can learn as you go. You might not do well the 1st time, but you can reuse a lot of the gear (lights, cords, fans, etc...) Once you buy an HPS system, all you need to do is replace the bulb after a while (maybe a year?) so the ballast should last for years. The 2nd grow is MUCH cheaper and you should know more.

Example: I just got hit with wind burn and PM (Powdery Mildew). Both my fault. I'll take steps to not let this happen again. Live and learn.

You might have a great crop from the start, it might take a few round to get it right, but you should be able to get it right sooner or later.

Also, the equipment has value for resale if you want out later.

There's a ton of videos on YouTube, info here on this forum, books, etc... I'd suggest looking at the grow journals and see what people spend and the problems they have.

My problem is probably going to cost about 8 prime bud sites. I have 11 in flower with probably 20 sites each, so the damage isn't too bad.

The important point is to live and learn, or grow and learn. In the long run, you should come out ahead in several ways!
It also plays in to if you are looking to just grow for your own needs and then you could just focus on one plant and make it give you 2 oz (take 2-3 months to grow if there healthy.)

If you want to make money of your room and get patients for you to sell your medicine to.

let us know if you plan on becoming a MMJ patient or caregiver (makes difference even in Colorado) or just free ball it and see how lucky you get with obama in the white house ; P (yha i said it! = p)
I would have to agree with all the posts here....growing your own definitely has many benefits over purchasing buds....

First off the cost after the inital equipment purchase is very very low compared to buying it.... dispensary prices for top shelf buds usually range from 12$-20$ a gram here in cali (250$-400$ an ounce is common to see at dispensaries as well) but growing my own started me off at about 4$ a gram and now that the initial equipment is purchased, only nutrients and electric is the cost of the grow and now I am producing at about 1-2$ a gram.. 28-56$ an oz....

Secondly with you yourself growing, you know what is on your buds... I know quite a few growers that grow for "medical" dispensaries that use all kinds of crazy pesticides, fungicides and other things that I would never want to inhale knowingly. When you grow your own you know exactly what nutrients/sprays you used and can be certain there is no molds or unhealthy things your inhaling... This is a major plus in my book..

Third, growing your own is just that much better :) I've come to learn that most dispensary buds are not properly cured and more given a quick dry/cure and then off to the dispensary...this is why over and over I buy dank ass nugs from the dispensary, and always cough my ass off, making smoking not as enjoyable. When I grow my own organic buds and cure them for 3+ weeks, I never cough and enjoy smoking... its like taking shots vs a nice glass of wine or a mixed drink..they all will get you the effect, but there is just some more enjoyable than others.. :)

My fourth reason brings me to this disclaimer "marijuana is not addictive, but growing it is" lol I found the more I grew the more I wanted to learn, the more techniques and tricks I discovered, the more grow equipment I purchased, and I know I probably am not even done Growing herb is a relaxing, pleasing and enjoyable hobby and I always look forward to what each next day brings whether plentiful harvest or overcoming a plant issue, either way the learning experience and bond you have with your plants is a lot of fun. And there is something so satisfying about harvesting a successful crop and trying it out for the first time.

And in the absolute worst case or best case scenereo, depending on how you look at it, you could do both. :) It would give you all the benefits above mentioned, plus keep you happy with plenty of nug to smoke :) I do like to personally try new strains from dispenaries just to see the taste, flavor, high and qualities of the strain. It lets me know if its something that I want to grow myself :)
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