Butter-to-smoke comparison


New Member
When eating, how close is the amount of butter-bud to the amount of smoked bud?

Let's start with a few values I'm familiar with:
If we (two of us, myself and Mrs. Dvl) were doing bong hits all night, we'd use x amount of pot; smoking bowls, y amount; and if joints, z. Clearly the amounts vary with the potency and method, but the proportions stay the same.

Furthermore, I have different recipes that call for differing amounts of butter (1 stick, 2 stick, red stick, blue stick).

By dividing the amount of pot that went into the butter by the amount of cookies a recipe makes, I can figure out the average pot-per-cookie ratio, and compare that to the amount of pot-per-bong that gets us high (man, I sometimes teach SAT math – if only I could use this as an example!)

I know direct comparison is difficult, especially as eating highs last much longer than a smoking ones, and there are lots of variables to control for (e.g., extraction, tolerance). But if we know ourselves and our smoking habits and the pot we're using, do we put in enough pot to equal 1—2, 2—3, or 5—6 bong hits per cookie, or as much as we'd both smoke that night anyway, or ... or ... or what?


Lol! I've never seen it put that way. Interesting though. I like math, too. Generally, I don't think of how many hits per cookie, because as you said there's way too many variables. I can however estimate potency by knowing the product I'm using.
WOW! That's too cool. I've never looked at it like that but now...

OK - Still no answer???
First of all butter is much more of a body buzz. I am a total Indica girl, I LOVE body buzzes and food is much more intense. It's great if you have fibromialga (can't spell) or aches and pains. Also my boyfriend who never feels body buzzes with smoking, gets a great body buzz from food. Be careful when you first try pot food it takes about 30-45min to kick in so don't eat a TON all at once before you know how it'll effect you. Also if you eat your brownie (toast, muffins, etc.) wait about ten minutes and smoke a bowl it'll give you a GREAT high!

If you use 1/4 oz. weed you should get like .45g of weed. But it's a totally different high (and those are tiny brownies). If you get 20 brownies you would get .7g of weed. Personally I prefer pot food, but again I love a good body high.
I found this on another website and found it useful....just went to a dispensary in Michigan tho and they were doing 1oz of Regs to 2 sticks of butter...the cookies they had from them were amazing...one and a bowl and was medicated for like 4 to 5 hours

If you have:

Stems, seeds, leaves
Mild potency use: 225 grams
Strong potency use: 450 g

Mostly leaves, some stems
Mild: 120 g
Strong: 250 g

Leaves, trim from buds
Mild: 28 g
Strong: 56 g

Regular cannabis buds
Mild: 14 g
Strong: 28 g

Powerful cannabis or hash
Mild: 7 g
Strong: 14 g
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