
Ruy Lopez

420 Member

So yes, finished harvesting while fighting frost for a couple of weeks but did not wait the full time recommended. Frankly it's just too spotty cold now in Canada to mess with it.

So anyway, the girls were wet trimmed and dried then processed for shake and are now in ltr mason jars.

From what I hear freezing them for LT storage seems to work fine while some people say it's crazy bad. Regardless, I'm attempting to cure them for smoother etc effects and then place in LT storage so I'm looking for storage/curing suggestions including "burping" (?) the jars once a day as well as freezing. Storage place beyond freezing would be cool and dark during winter

After they dry, I put mine in Mason jars with 62% Boveda packs to cure. No burping required unless you see moisture or condensation in the jar. I squeeze rosin, mix with oil, and put it into capsules. They are good for at least a year.
Vacuum sealing jars is for canning vegetables in order to keep out salmonella, but it is not how you cure pot or keep out mold. To keep out mold you must first get your product below 70%RH in the initial drying process and during long term storage you should get the RH all the way down to 58% or lower, or even sealed up they can and will mold on you over time. This is what the Boveda 58% packs are for. You should not vacuum seal your jars until final long term storage at the lower RH... and during cure you need to burp periodically to remove the gasses that come from the buds as the chlorophyll converts or you will not get a proper cure. To get a good cure, you have to keep that air exchanging a bit, out with the old, in with the new. Also, if you go with the 62% Boveda packs, be sure to dry your product down into the 59-65% RH curing range before putting them in there. The packs are designed to hold the RH at 62%, not dry out wet product in order to get it into the cure range.
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