Bugs visible


420 Member
Hi first time grower here please Can anyone tell me what these bugs are on my 3 plants there leaving little tiny holes on my plants and little white marks and are they harm full best way to get rid thanks matt








Yikes yep you’ve got crotch critters, not 100% sure on bug id but looks like might be aphids or thrips… I’m gonna shout at grow guru @Bill284 for proper identification

Our sponsor SNS makes some great products that are based on rosemary oil, Neem seed oil is good stuff, same for Spinosad and Safers soap…

Here’s how to spray…

Mix your potion according to manufacturers instructions, few drops of Dr Bronners or Dawn dishwashing liquid are good surfactant. Shake well & shake often while spraying, use finest spray mist possible, do not spray during lights on, best to spray at lights out to allow plants to dry fully before next lights on cycle

When spraying there’s proper technique & here’s handy little reminder… Always go up her skirt first… seriously elevate plant on a table then… go up her skirt and spray leaf undersides first cuz this is where they live and attach eggs.. spray leaf undersides, get stems & stalks too. Now once all that is done it’s time to place it on the floor then spray from top down to cover outside or top layer of your foliage… might want to lightly spray top of soil too….
Yikes yep you’ve got crotch critters, not 100% sure on bug id but looks like might be aphids or thrips… I’m gonna shout at grow guru @Bill284 for proper identification

Our sponsor SNS makes some great products that are based on rosemary oil, Neem seed oil is good stuff, same for Spinosad and Safers soap…

Here’s how to spray…

Mix your potion according to manufacturers instructions, few drops of Dr Bronners or Dawn dishwashing liquid are good surfactant. Shake well & shake often while spraying, use finest spray mist possible, do not spray during lights on, best to spray at lights out to allow plants to dry fully before next lights on cycle

When spraying there’s proper technique & here’s handy little reminder… Always go up her skirt first… seriously elevate plant on a table then… go up her skirt and spray leaf undersides first cuz this is where they live and attach eggs.. spray leaf undersides, get stems & stalks too. Now once all that is done it’s time to spray from top down to cover outside or top layer of your foliage… might want to lightly spray top of soil..
Pretty sure that’s a thrip on the bottle of SNS aswell as in the pic.
Typical damage, you can see light through the holes usually. You called it 013 :thumb:

Welcome to 420magazine @mattrich :welcome:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

Yep, thrips. Larval stage for you (look like little grains of rice) but that means you've also got adults already laying eggs. (That's an adult on the bottle Bill showed)

An insecticidal soap spray will work. Follow the directions on the bottle, but generally spray every three days for a week or so to disrupt the life cycle because no matter how well you spray you'll never get them all and the new eggs hatch and turn into adults in I think 3-5 days and start laying their own eggs.

Good luck!
I'm cheap, for a plant that small I just drop the whole thing into a bucket of water for 20 minutes and then put it in new soil when it comes out to make sure there are no eggs left behind. (you would still need to spray or clean the area where it was to be sure they're gone)
I'm cheap, for a plant that small I just drop the whole thing into a bucket of water for 20 minutes and then put it in new soil when it comes out to make sure there are no eggs left behind. (you would still need to spray or clean the area where it was to be sure they're gone)
Can you please explain a little bit more what you mean buy drop it in a bucket of water do you mean to wash all the soil off the plants entirely
think so but not 100%, check your labels for targeted species listed by manufacturer

neem is pretty generic.
we don't even get it as insecticide here. it's sold as a hair supplement, and we work out how it is used. if you try buy it as insecticide you'll be blocked.

I'm cheap, for a plant that small I just drop the whole thing into a bucket of water for 20 minutes and then put it in new soil when it comes out to make sure there are no eggs left behind. (you would still need to spray or clean the area where it was to be sure they're gone)

an aggressive spray with a hose from underneath will help a lot as well.
Can you please explain a little bit more what you mean buy drop it in a bucket of water do you mean to wash all the soil off the plants entirely

no. wash the underside of the leaves. the insects hide there as rain in nature carries them away if they are on top.
What the best way to clean then do I hold them upside down and spray with water ?
The idea is to kill the adults that will lay new eggs. And, to kill the pupae or the young juvenile insects before they can become adults and lay eggs. The best thing to do is to spray the insecticide you bought on the bottoms of the leaves and to the the tops of the leaves. This whole time you have to be sure to get spray on the stems to kill any insects that are there. You have to be sure to do this as often as the manufacturer recommends.

The thrip will lay eggs on the plant itself. The egg hatches and the young insect is called a pupae and will soon fall off and land on the soil where it will live for awhile until it is an adult. It then crawls up the stem and starts to feed off the plant and soon starts laying eggs.

Those young plants in small pots make it easy to spray. Pick up and hold the pot in one hand and use the other to hold and operate the spray bottle. Starting at the bottom of the plant spray the underside of the leaves working up to the top. Be sure to get every area. Once at the top start to spray the top side of the leaves working your way to the bottom.

Put the pot and plant back on the table or onto the floor. Be sure to give several sprays directly onto the soil to get any of the young insects that fell off. The spray liquid will be dripping off your plant just like water drips off of trees for awhile after a heavy rainfall.

Tip is to put several sheets of newspaper down and place the plant on that to catch drops and avoid having the wet spray on the table top or floor. The liquid can get slippery and the last thing you want is to have someone slip and bang their head on that glass table top.

I suggest that you do this as often as possible until the spraying routine becomes second nature and you do not have to think about the way to do it. It becomes just as automatic as starting a car and putting it in drive and heading down the road.

These are the 3 plants that are affected
No they are not. There are about another 7 or 8 other plants in slightly smaller pots on the table. It does not matter if they were just put there several minutes before you have to believe that the thrips have started to live on those too. Even if you do not not see the thrips on those plants believe in you heart and mind that the plants have become infected so spray those just as often as the Cannabis plants you are trying to save. Otherwise within hours to a day you will have adult thrips coming back to your plants and starting to eat and lay eggs.

Some studies have found that thrips are repelled by rosemary, garlic, basil, and catnip. Place a couple of pots with a rosemary plant or basil or catnip or garlic near to your Cannabis plants. They can be almost touching.

Avoid having plants that will attract thrips, mites, aphids or scale insects within several feet, maybe up to 6 to 10 feet.
Okay thank you I have ordered neem oil comes on Thursday today I used a hose and tried my best to clean the plants underneath the leafs there currently inside on my kitchen side with a fan blowing for good air circulation on them until they dry then back out side these were just a take a chance and try a little something in my back garden lol
These r them now they are autos can't remember how old they are maybe 3-4 weeks from seed and is the last picture a sign of staring to flower there staring to smell great 😂😂😊😊🥺🥺🥺








Can you please explain a little bit more what you mean buy drop it in a bucket of water do you mean to wash all the soil off the plants entirely
I mean, I literally put the entire plant, pot and all, into a bucket of water... the living bugs will drown, and the eggs if there are any are usually damaged or washed away from what I can tell because they don't come back after I do it. I do replace *most* of the soil, but I don't worry about getting every single bit off, just pull the plant out, let the main water drain back out, gently shake it off, gently rinse once (mostly to get the soil off of the leaves), and repot. The plant will seem a little sad and droopy, but they recover very quickly.

You could probably just leave it in the same soil if you drench the soil with peroxide water to be sure any eggs are killed off, but depending on your soil mix, it will sometimes float out of the pot when you submerge it. Also, as far as I know, thrips lay their eggs on the leaves vs. the soil, so it may be overkill to replace the soil.. I do it anyway, because when the plant is small.... better safe than sorry, and it is a tiny amount of soil.

ETA: Two other things, first - I missed that you are growing autos, I have not done that so Idk if it would for sure work the same (although I don't know that it wouldn't, but autos are notorious apparently for not like being messed with?)
and second, your plants are larger than I thought by looking at the first photos, so.. personally I would still dunk them, but I can see why you might not want to.
if those are autos you need to up pot them immediately. they'll stunt and trigger as soon as the roots hit the sides of the pot. you'll wind up with a tiny tiny harvest.
if those are autos you need to up pot them immediately. they'll stunt and trigger as soon as the roots hit the sides of the pot. you'll wind up with a tiny tiny harvest.
Looks like new stigma/pistils already starting. Still small but it does look like they are there.
Looks like new stigma/pistils already starting. Still small but it does look like they are there.

can still save them if he gets them done now.
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