Bugs in Coco soil


420 Member
Hello fellow 420 friends!
we are new-ish growers. Had 1 successful dirt grow about a year or two ago and now that we bought a house and have more room we’re giving it another go. We have not been successful since starting in early December.
We are trying coco soil (2 pots) in a 4x4 tent with other dirt plants using foxfarm. We’ve noticed little bugs in the coco and they are getting on the dirt plants. I don’t want them to kill anything. How do we get rid of them? They crawl around, they’re tiny, don’t look like worms, but have tiny wings. I want to make sure we kill off any more that might be in the coco pots but also want to kill the ones flying around the tent.

I read somewhere about Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub? Would that be good to use?
do I add some into the water/nutrient mixture when feeding them or do I spray it on the leaves?

Or is there something better to use?

Thanks in advance! These forums never disappoint!
:Namaste: :love:
Chances are they are harmless [but irritating] fruit fly/fungus gnat
Apply a H2O2 solution to the surface of the soil to kill the eggs just below the surface
Sticky yellow traps are also surprisingly effective
sounds like fungus gnats… mosquito bits or mosquito dunks added to your water bucket to soak 24 hours overnight will help prevent them in future and as Roy mentions the H2O2 is good stuff for quick kill.

sticky traps help you to monitor what’s flying… most are 2 sided so peel one layer now and see who visits then peel other side in a week or two. I buy them in 8 & 1/2 sheets then cut to 2 X 4 post it note size.

coco soil is a misnomer, your grow media is either soil or it’s coco. A soil mix may contain coco but if it’s predominantly coco as the base then it’s coco. Reason being is coco and soil get very specific treatment on nutes, water, feeding frequency and ph.

soil gets ph at 6.3 and typically needs wet dry cycle and can get nutes mixed with water or plain water

coco is also known as soil-less, coco is passive hydro so needs ph at 5.8, coco cannot be allowed to dry out and gets fertigated with nutes every time, does not get plain water… not trying to be an ass (yeah that comes naturally wink wink) but it helps us to give you the right info about your plant and grow media when troubleshooting a problem.

you will defs need some ipm gear. Our sponsor SNS makes killer products, they can be used as soil drench or foliar spray.

other well known stuff is Safer Soap, Neem Oil, Spinosad to name a few. Tips for foliar spray, elevate plant, mix your potion, shake well and shake often, adjust sprayer nozzle to finest spray mist possible, always spray up her skirt first - its where critters attach their eggs. Get stems & stalks too. After fully spraying her undercarriage then move plant and spray from top down to coat top side of foliage… always spray at lights out…
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