No problem brother, I will give you a shout sometime saturday probably...check out last page of the Budcave journal, gotta see what happened with all this flooding we've had... maybe the damn thrips will drowned! haha
koolkat - Are you still using the SOG on your Grow's ? Thinking about giving it a go to get my gram to watt ratio more efficient , and your system makes a lot of sense . I have plenty of current space ,and I'm adding more . Looking for some design ideas to make sense of the space . ANy help or pointers would be much appreciated . Love your work , and it shows that you do as well ! Cheers. Have a great day !
g,day first time grower and Im growing big bud.if that is the size its going to become I'm going to need a bigger tent, grew for 2 month's on veg in a30 Lt pot whoops