Bud Doublin Nutes chart confusion


Well-Known Member
This has me baffled.

WHat on earth is bio carbon and why is it telling me to add 6 and a half tsp? TO WHAT?

I want to use this on my plants. I have ONE new plant and a few that are already have dr earth in them.

What I dont know is how to start off the medium so I am looking for that information and I have no idea what they mean here.

So if you saw this chart what would you do to a 5 gal pot of pro mix with some worm castings?

I used Bud Doublin on a grow a year or so ago. My chart didn't mention anything about biocarbon, Bio-Carbon is a blend of BioChar and organics, you use six and a half TBSP to each gallon of soil in the container, so say you have a 4 gallon pot, that would be 26 TBSP to the container. As I recall the liquid amounts, unless otherwise specified are per gallon or water. While it worked about the same as the Fox Farms trio, I wasn't overly impressed by the products. The micros were black and stunk like rotten eggs (sulphur). I tried contacting them a couple times and never got a reply, that was it for me and Bud Doublin. I'm using GeoFlora dry fert now, it's easier since you don't have to PH constantly. Hope this helps, good luck on your grow.
I used Bud Doublin on a grow a year or so ago. My chart didn't mention anything about biocarbon, Bio-Carbon is a blend of BioChar and organics, you use six and a half TBSP to each gallon of soil in the container, so say you have a 4 gallon pot, that would be 26 TBSP to the container. As I recall the liquid amounts, unless otherwise specified are per gallon or water. While it worked about the same as the Fox Farms trio, I wasn't overly impressed by the products. The micros were black and stunk like rotten eggs (sulphur). I tried contacting them a couple times and never got a reply, that was it for me and Bud Doublin. I'm using GeoFlora dry fert now, it's easier since you don't have to PH constantly. Hope this helps, good luck on your grow.
Wow, that seems like a lot of product to start off. So five gal would be 30 tablespoons mixed in with the soil?

My friends had great results with it but one cant remember what he did(maybe he doesn't stop smoking) and the other friend used her own nutes she makes and then switched to Bud Doublin about 3 weeks in and said it darkened her plants up incredibly well. My friend who had great results who I said maybe doesn't stop smoking.... he had not one single issue through his entire grow and it was amazing huge buds in 55 days to done. I think he harvested too early but he says its great and my last grow took 122 days for a plant that said it would take 70 and it hermied. So I didnt get the benefit of more trichs.
Thanks for your help.
I used Bud Doublin on a grow a year or so ago. My chart didn't mention anything about biocarbon, Bio-Carbon is a blend of BioChar and organics, you use six and a half TBSP to each gallon of soil in the container, so say you have a 4 gallon pot, that would be 26 TBSP to the container. As I recall the liquid amounts, unless otherwise specified are per gallon or water. While it worked about the same as the Fox Farms trio, I wasn't overly impressed by the products. The micros were black and stunk like rotten eggs (sulphur). I tried contacting them a couple times and never got a reply, that was it for me and Bud Doublin. I'm using GeoFlora dry fert now, it's easier since you don't have to PH constantly. Hope this helps, good luck on your grow.
Wait... one more issue just popped up. /

IF you use 6.5 table spoons per gal to start... is that just the grow? Or split it between the micros and the grow?

See this is where I get lost because they are really horrible at their own chart making.
WHat on earth is bio carbon
I did a couple of internet searches and found some brief mention of what to compare it to. It is biochar mixed a bit of 'organic' nutrients and some micro-organisms. To me that sounds like they activated it. It is nothing more than the biochar we can buy at any half-way decent gardening store.

...and why is it telling me to add 6 and a half tsp?...
Biochar is a ground up charcoal. It only has to be added to a potting soil mix the first time. It is baked in such a way that it is filled with tiny bubbles. It takes 500 or more years to decompose. In theory, since it was already activated it should be ready to use. Within a short time the micro-organisms in the soil will be living in all the bubbles which will increase their numbers astronomically.

It is added to the potting soil mix you bought or made yourself. It is put in at the same time you were mixing the soils and any other amendments together. In theory, since it was already inoculated and activated with colonies of micro-organisms it should be ready to go. Within a short time the micro-organisms in the biochar will mix with the ones in the soil. In no time they will be living in all the bubbles which will increase their numbers astronomically.
IF you use 6.5 table spoons per gal to start...
Only have to mix it in the one time. It is a soil amendment that will last 500 or more years. The biochar itself will do nothing directly for the plant since it is not a nutrient. It is there to provide someplace for the organisms to live. They are the ones who go to work on the soil to make what the plants need.

Wow, that seems like a lot of product to start off. So five gal would be 30 tablespoons mixed in with the soil?
More like 33 tablespoons;) or 2 cups worth.

What will really add to your frustration is finding out that the actual amount of soil that the common planting pots will hold is almost always not the number given. Some pots will be listed as 5 gallon but only hold 4 and a 1/4 gallons and sometimes even less.
Only have to mix it in the one time. It is a soil amendment that will last 500 or more years. The biochar itself will do nothing directly for the plant since it is not a nutrient. It is there to provide someplace for the organisms to live. They are the ones who go to work on the soil to make what the plants need.

More like 33 tablespoons;) or 2 cups worth.

What will really add to your frustration is finding out that the actual amount of soil that the common planting pots will hold is almost always not the number given. Some pots will be listed as 5 gallon but only hold 4 and a 1/4 gallons and sometimes even less.
Great point, the pots are in what they call “trade gallons”. One trade gallon is three quarts, not knowing that can contribute to over nuting.
Only have to mix it in the one time. It is a soil amendment that will last 500 or more years. The biochar itself will do nothing directly for the plant since it is not a nutrient. It is there to provide someplace for the organisms to live. They are the ones who go to work on the soil to make what the plants need.

More like 33 tablespoons;) or 2 cups worth.

What will really add to your frustration is finding out that the actual amount of soil that the common planting pots will hold is almost always not the number given. Some pots will be listed as 5 gallon but only hold 4 and a 1/4 gallons and sometimes even less.
This is extremely confusing because they don't say which of the three amendments in the kit to get the 6.5 tablespoons From. I assume it's the grow. But....It doesn't tell how much biocarbon to use.

Then there is the issue of ROOTS. If you look on the chart it says roots and it's in the amendments category.

This system said they are giving you all the nutes to grow. But there is only three

Then you have to purchase mycos and something called roots that they don't even sell? There website is horrendous.

Can you give me a run down of what I should do using BX pro mix mixed with promix organic at like 50/50 and what else I add to a 5 gallon felt pot?

I mean bo directions from these people and I think they are foreign because their bios on their site are not in English. Almost makes me want to stick with Dr earth but what you are saying seems like it will really boost these plants.

And thank you all. I am having some issues that are stoping me from thinking properly and my metabolism has sped up so much I burn 1500 calories sitting down by 9am and I can't keep up with caloric intake. This started right after I started these grows. Now I have all this investment and am sort of lost.
This is extremely confusing because they don't say which of the three amendments in the kit to get the 6.5 tablespoons From. I assume it's the grow. But....It doesn't tell how much biocarbon to use.

Then there is the issue of ROOTS. If you look on the chart it says roots and it's in the amendments category.

This system said they are giving you all the nutes to grow. But there is only three

Then you have to purchase mycos and something called roots that they don't even sell? There website is horrendous.

Can you give me a run down of what I should do using BX pro mix mixed with promix organic at like 50/50 and what else I add to a 5 gallon felt pot?

I mean bo directions from these people and I think they are foreign because their bios on their site are not in English. Almost makes me want to stick with Dr earth but what you are saying seems like it will really boost these plants.

And thank you all. I am having some issues that are stoping me from thinking properly and my metabolism has sped up so much I burn 1500 calories sitting down by 9am and I can't keep up with caloric intake. This started right after I started these grows. Now I have all this investment and am sort of lost.
I'd forget about the biocarbon, Roots, and the mycos, the Micro formula contains mycos. You may still need Cal-mag, depending on how much Ca/Mg your water has. It doesn't have to be powdered, a liquid calmag will work too. When I used those products, Roots, biocarbon and mycos weren't on the chart and I had good results. The funny thing is that with liquid (synthetic) nutes, mycos aren't as important as they are in an organic grow.

Edit: Best I can tell, Bud Doublin is made by GS Plant Foods, located in Florida. You can e-mail them, but good luck getting an answer.
I assume it's the grow. But....It doesn't tell how much biocarbon to use.
It says to add it to the potting mix. Nothing about adding it to any of the other fertilizers or getting it from any of them. It is a separate product available in a sealed plastic bag. The amount to add is 6 and 1/2 tablespoons per gallon of pot size. It is on the chart you included, right above the amount of their Cal-Mag product that they recommend be added to the soil mix.

Then there is the issue of ROOTS. If you look on the chart it says roots and it's in the amendments category.
I did a search while on their web site using just the word Roots. The Roots seems to refer to their Root Ruckus! Turbo Charged Liquid Compost which is kinda expensive.

This system said they are giving you all the nutes to grow. But there is only three
Three is a common number of individual fertilizers for Cannabis growing. It is how much of each that will be mixed on any given week that can change as the demands of the plant change. There is a good chance that those three are all you need.

Then you have to purchase mycos and something called roots that they don't even sell? There website is horrendous.
I used their search function and asked for roots. They showed me a product they sell called Root Ruckus! Turbo Charged Liquid Compost. It is expensive.

I am not going to spend a lot of time searching their web site but from what I have seen the Roots and Mycos are optional. Even the Bio-Carbon and the Cal-Mag look like they are optional but those two are something I would seriously think about adding if it was my soil mix.

Can you give me a run down of what I should do using BX pro mix mixed with promix organic at like 50/50...
No I cannot. Those two are both Peat Moss based, about 60% -70%. One of them has a small amount of Coco Coir. The two soil mixes have a few other ingredients. The entire growing session from a week after the seed sprouts to harvest would have to be treated like a hydro situation. As much as hydro fascinates me I stay away from it.

Why do you want to mix the two together? Some call it a FrankenSoil. I cannot see that mixing the two peat based soils will accomplish anything except make life a bit more complicated.

And thank you all. I am having some issues that are stoping me from thinking properly and my metabolism has sped up so much I burn 1500 calories sitting down by 9am and I can't keep up with caloric intake. This started right after I started these grows. Now I have all this investment and am sort of lost.
Slow down. Do not overthink what is involved.
I cant keep a water schedule because the water wont dissipate in the buckets. This sort of blows my mind because I cant remember this happening. And watering every other day would be just sending water through the buckets for the sake of sending water through the buckets. But the plants are slow moving. They all look good now. But slow.

I am trying to keep a schedule but I DIDNT WANT TO DO THIS. My roommate said he wanted to do these grows. I said I was done with this and then I realize he wont keep the schedule I give him to keep. He would do it HIS way and pretend he didnt hear me when I type it all out for him AND he can get the Dr Earth Schedule. These plants when 3 and 4 weeks without a bit of nutrients added but what was first put in the pot. Which is ok... until they start budding and then we are in trouble. There are autos and photos down there.

I'm a bit frustrated. Last night I came home from work late and I told him before I left we need to take care of these plants when I get home. When I got home he was asleep. I know he cant do it himself. But this isn't a do it when you feel like it kind of thing. When the plants have fungus gnats you cant just spray the leaves in the morning when the light is blasting the plants. But, that is what he would do. But it would be noon because he cant get up early enough to do it in the AM.

I guess I am stuck growing again. The fun part now is getting them all back on schedules.
I am only one person and Oh, now stuck growing for neighbors on both sides because he took on their plants too.
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