Bublenutz 2nd Run, This Time With A Journal


420 Member
Hello everyone and welcome to my 2nd run. Plz take a seat and join me as I go through this wonderful process.

Please bear with me as I'm still learning and will probably make alot of mistakes. So my first grow was White widow big bud from female seeds I posted pictures in my thread in introduce yourself.

This grow I've already popped the beans and out of 4 beans 3 popped.. so I'll be growing

1. Blue Dream from Humboldt Seed Company
2. Big Bud from Sensi Seeds
And last but not least
3. Purple Haze from G13 Labs

I had also germinated a Northern Lights Auto from Sensi Seedseeds but it didn't make it. It sprouted a root in the wet paper towel method but when I went to transfer it to soil I broke it.. so I popped the purple haze instead.i popped the N.L.A , B.B, And B.D at same time and they popped in 3 days. I transferred them day 4 and broke the root on the N.L. So I put the P.H in the Solo cup with the ffhf and it popped in three days.

I will be growing outdoors.I will be growing in Fox Farm Happy Frog and Ocean Forest mix and I'll be using The Dirty Dozen nutes from Fox Farm. I plan on growing in a solo cup plant it to a 1 gallon pot then to the ground.

Here are some pics of my babies IMG_20200406_152021715.jpgIMG_20200406_152016581.jpgIMG_20200406_152011452.jpgIMG_20200406_151927137.jpg
Hello everyone, so the girls are doing great and my Purple Haze is a ?mutant.?.? I think. Weird pheno goin on. All of them have roots coming out of the holes in the bottom of the cup... Does that mean time to transplant or let them fill it up more then transplant?

This is exciting to me cuz I've only seen this happen in pictures and now it's happening to me lol. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by
A little update that's late in coming due to working my ass off. The first is big bud, the second is a weird phenotype of purple haze and last but not least is my blue dream. I've dimmed the big bud and blue dream multiple times but only a couple of times to the purple haze which started to flower about a week after 8 fimmed it. Which is a little weird cuz all the seeds that I ordered were feminized, photoperiod and not autoflower... All the plants are receiving the same nutes, same light and same soil...I haven't started to feed it the flowering regimen yet as I was hoping she was just showing me herself and continue to grow vegging but she just kept on flowering. I think I'm going to start it though. Puzzling to me.. well nothin else to do but go with it right? What will be will be cause it all in God's hands really... I


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